Chapter 8

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Brian was yet again sitting next to his best friend and work partner, Masky. He wasn't responding to anything Brian did so far, and it almost broke the others heart. Masky, who was always so calculated and prepared, was caught of guard. MAsky, who almost died because of Dark. Masky... the man Brian loved.

As if afraid of shattering him, Brian gently took Masky's hand into his own. Slender had said the other may be in a coma, based off the amount of times Masky's head had been driven into the ground.

"Please... Tim, Masky, either one of you please. Just wake up. If you don't wake up soon... I don't know what Slender will do," Brian pleaded softly, bringing Masky's hand closer to him. He looked at Masky's unconscious form, how to usually agitated man looked calm, almost peaceful.

"Please..." The quiet whisper hung in the air, not even sounding like Brian.


Brian jolted at the groan, quickly looking into Masky's eyes.

"Tim? Tim where are you right now?" Brian asked softly, gently tapping Masky's face to keep him conscious.

"My name is Masky... goddamnit." Brian smiled at the low mumble.

"Glad to have you back man."


Jeff grunted as Toby collided into him, sending both of them down. Toby sat on Jeff's hips and effectively pinning him down. Their hands were intertwined, with Toby forcing the others hands down.

"What? Not so tough now?" Toby taunted quietly, leaning down closer to Jeff. A moment of silence, before Jeff's lips quirked into a smirk. Suddenly, the two were flipped; with Toby now on the ground. The two were panting softly, beads of sweat on their faces.

Toby's hoodie and turtleneck had been discarded already, and Jeff was just wearing his tanktop and jeans. Jeff looked over Toby's body, bright red and yet smirking still. He leaned in closer, so their bodies were pressed against each other. Lips were mere centimeters apart, as Jeffs lips slowly parted with a smirk.

"I win round four."

"Oh come on! Your a stick how the hell are you flipping me?!" Toby yelled in frustration.

Jeff got off Toby, laughing as he grabbed his white sweatshirt to wipe the sweat from his forehead. The two had gotten bored again, and have been sparing for the past two hours. Toby stood, running a hand through his sweaty hair. Jeff sighed, and was keenly aware of how it seemed physically hard for his eyes to remove themselves from Toby's bare chest.

The dunce, however, didn't notice. Toby pulled his turtle neck back on and tied his hoodie around his waist. "Come on," He smiled wide, the missing spot on his cheek widening with the smile as well.

"I think we're done, what do you say?" Toby asked, watching keenly as Jeffs haunting blue eyes rolled. The raven haired teen pulled out a container of eyedrops Brian had given him, and Toby watched as Jeff dropped two little clear drops of the liquid into his eyes and walk inside. Toby followed with a small smile.

They got inside and the two split ways, Toby going to take a shower and Jeff heading to his room. Jeff's room was already majorly decorated, different knives he's collected over his kills nicely kept on top the dresser. The one window in his room looked out onto the training field, which in actuality was just a normal field in the forest.

Knock knock

Jeff's eyes shot to the door, "Yea?" He asked.

"It's Sully. We need to fucking talk."

Jeff froze, as he was used to Sully trying to kill him like he was a deer on hunting season. However, it still was weird to hear his brothers voice sound hostile. Jeff hesitantly opened the door, and Sully shoved him aside to walk in. He closed the door.

"What do you want to talk abou-"

"You have a thing for that Toby kid, right?" Sully asked bluntly, and Jeff raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? W..What do you mean of course not."

"Oh please. I watched you stare at that kids chest like he was sunday brunch."

"Newsflash genius. I can't exactly blink."

"You know what I mean!" Sully spat, his eyes narrowing, "But... How do you think TOby would react to your little secret?" A smirk replaced the glare, and Jeff growled. A loud thud rang out in the room, and Jeff was pinning Sully to the wall with a growl, knife to the others neck.

"Don't. You. Dare." Jeff snarled.

"Oh I won't. You just have to do one thing for me."


"Actually fucking try to have a brotherly relationship with him. He just wants his older brother back. Don't deny him the only family he has left. Got it?" Sully asked, not reacting to the knife at his neck.

"Liu... actually wants to talk to me?"

"Why do you think he spent the last three years looking for you?"

"Obviously you've been trying to kill me." Jeff said, stepping away from Sully.

"Well that too."


Toby laid down in his bed. He stared blankly at the ceiling, spacing out and twitching occasionally. His mind danced around the idea of fighting as usual. His sparing with Jeff more like. How Jeff seemed to hold himself, with confidence and pride that was infectious. How despite only having known them for a few weeks, Jeff already seemed to treat them like a family. A fucked up family, but a family. His mind went to Masky, whom he didn't know has already woken up.

The man who was only slightly older than him, but hated him with a burning passion. The man whom he has done nothing too, but still seems to aggregate with just being in the room. A sigh left his lips, and he turned onto his side as his mind continued to reel. His fingers tapped against the bed in a rhythmic fashion. Yet again his thoughts landed on Jeff.

Jeff's incomparable strength despite being almost hauntingly thin still, Long raven hair that always seemed to fall in a tangled mess no matter how long Jeff spent brushing it. And his eyes. God that man's eyes. A haunting blue color that would stick with you till death, eyes that always had fire and passion boiling within. Eyes that, in some sort of sick twisting of his memories, seemed almost familiar. Eyes that Toby to gaze into for hours on end-

Toby shot up, feeling his face grow hotter. "Where did those thoughts come from? I'm...I'm not gay." He shook his head, feeling his hair bounce on his head. His arm twitched, hitting the bed harshly and he sighed. He needed something to do, unless he wanted to lay down and disassociate for the rest of the day. He swung his legs over the bed and stood. He walked over to his desk and grabbed onto his hatchets, glancing at the blades before running his finger over the sharpened section; seeing if he needed to sharpen them again. He saw red slowly dripping down his hatchet and nodded, pulling his finger away and going to just quickly wrap up his finger before he caused Jeff to have an aneurysm.

Pulling out bandages from his desk drawer, he just wrapped his finger and walked out of his room, going to see if Slender wanted him to do anything or if he was still on mission probation. His footsteps echoed through the halls as he passed Jeffs room.

"How would you feel if Toby knew about your little secret?"

"Huh?" Toby leaned against the door, quietly listening in. He winced at hearing the thud, and Jeff growl something along the lines of 'don't. You. dare.' Toby pulled away from the door, deciding this was an issue between the two brothers. He walked again to Slender's office, although now thinking about what secret Jeff was keeping from him.

"Well it's his business. But... What if it's important? Why doesn't Jeff trust me- wait why the hell do I care?!" Toby thought, shaking his head again. Whatever, how Jeff viewed him didn't matter to him. He was here to pay back Slender for saving his life two years ago. That's all. He's not here to make friends or play nice. Hes a serial killer, with no room in his heart for love.


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