-The Facts Begin-

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Fact One:  I honestly did not know that this was when I got tagged. >.< After some research, I now know that its kind of like the ice-bucket challenge, but without a cause. Huzzah for the internet-incompetent! (c'est moi).

Fact Two: I don't speak French. I did it at school for like, six months, and then decided that the spelling was too... suspicious. (What's with all those silent s's!) I took up German instead: although I am hardly fluent, I enjoy it much more than French.

Fact Three: I had a Venus flytrap named Aff. I looked after it for four years- and caught flies for it. 

Fact Four: There are glow-in-the-dark stars on my ceiling. This is because I like glow-in-the-dark stuff, because it is cool.

Fact Five: Other glow-in-the-dark stickers on my bedroom walls include a frog, a Halloween pumpkin, and also a lizard.

Fact Five: Skinks (a type of lizard) are completely terrifying to me. They are not big, or poisonous, but I can't stand the way they run! *shudders* My cats used to bring them into my room ,and I could freak out.

Fact Six: Imagine a girl screaming, and standing on their bed because they saw a rat lurking under their bed. This is not me. I used to have a pet rat (whom I named, very originally, Ratatat.) However, this is my reaction to skinks.

Fact Seven: I have no idea what I am going to do after I leave school. This year, I have switched potential careers from being a doctor, to an author, a music composer, and a professional whistler. Now I think I will do computer programming.

Fact Eight: I am unnaturally good at whistling. I'm not sure where the line between not being modest and bragging is, but I am very good at whistling. One day I will enter a talent show, and whistle medleys of all my favorite gaming/soundtrack tunes.

Fact Nine: I am a gamer. Not necessarily a hardcore, don't-go-outside-for-weeks gamer, but I game, in a very chilled and laid-back way- unless I am playing multi-player Four Swords, in which case, I will be swearing at you. I love the Zelda franchise, and my walls are literally plastered with Zelda posters. I also play Skyrim, Pokemon, multiple other Nintendo games (I love Professor Layton) and I attempted Halo. (Turns out I am awful at 1st person shooters, but I'm working on it.) 

Fact Ten: As I am not blessed with a PS4, I settled with watching the The Last Of Us walk-throughs and cut-scenes instead. They were very good. I now know that I would be too scardey-cat to play these games, and would be faced with too many moral dilemmas. (To kill or not to kill the last surviving not-clicker humans on Earth?)

Fact Eleven: I am lazy, and today I don't feel like conforming to people's expectations, (and I need to hurry up and do some study for English) so I'm only doing ten facts. =P  Hope you learnt something. Tschüs.

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