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Camila's POV

September 4th 2012.

Tuesday 8:55am.

Miami, Florida.

Lauren was right.

I was at that bar last night in the hope of seeing her there. Of course I was. She knows it, and I know it, but that doesn't mean that I was ready to admit that to her, she's arrogant enough as it is, she doesn't need to be proven right as well.

Her head is big enough.

I'm so angry at myself for going back there again. For going back to her. I promised myself that when I told her three weeks ago that we could no longer see each other, I meant it.

I meant it when I said that my family came first, I meant it when I said that I couldn't do this anymore to Shawn, and I meant it when I said that I couldn't risk my future, my reputation, people's respect, for a string of flings with the town's bad girl who my own family completely despise.

No matter how alive she makes me feel.

I remember the first night it happened like it was yesterday. I was in the middle of a fight with Shawn, and we hadn't spoken for a few days, and my Mom was pressuring me to help organize a founders party with her, something which I really didn't want to do.

But I went, and I made sure that she knew I wasn't happy about it. Unfortunately for me, my moodiness spread onto other people too and I ended up in an argument with one of my best friends Dinah.

I bailed on the party and got in the car and drove, no destination in mind but knowing that I wanted to get as far away from Dinah and my Mom and even Shawn, as possible.

Away from Miami.

I ended up at a bar in the next town over, which is unusual for me because normally I would never have the courage to go to somewhere like that, especially alone, but I did and I guess I was too angry to properly think about it.

I ordered a drink and sat alone running through the past couple of days in my head, wondering why everything seemed to be going wrong lately, when I felt a presence sit beside me, and to my dismay, to see it was Lauren Jauregui.

I think the whole of Miami is aware of the hatred that is shared between the Cabello's and the Jauregui's. It's not a secret, it's just the way it is.

My Dad hates Mike and Zach Jauregui, and as they got older, and therefore meaner, that hatred spread down to their offspring's Lauren and Harry.

Especially Lauren.

Of course, his hatred of the family was passed down to me and my sister too, and it was just the normal thing to do, to hate the Jauregui's.

So when Lauren sat next to me that humid June Friday night, I wasn't best pleased.

"Well well, are my eyes deceiving me or is Camila Cabello really associating herself in an establishment like this? Alone no less." I could hear the smirk in her voice before I could see it.

"Go away."

"I see your father's manners have been passed down to the next generation." she laughs and I scowl, being reminded yet again about how much trouble the Jauregui's are and how they have been arrested on a few occasions by my Dad.

So I sit and ignore her, as Lauren chats away to me like I'm even interested in what she has to say. I tune her out, and didn't pay attention to a single word. Instead, I patiently finished my drink, stood up and walked away, hoping that would be the end of it.

It wasn't.

I barely made it to my car before I felt someone roughly grab my arm and I turned around to see a middle aged man leering at me, asking me what a pretty girl like me was doing here all alone.

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