Twenty Two

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Camila's PoV

January 15th 2013.

Tuesday 9:20pm

Miami, Florida.

I stand frozen as Selena winks at me before taking a hold of Harry's hand and pulling him back towards The Grill, there are more words exchanged between the two boys on their parting but I can't take note of anything, my ears completely closed up to what's around me as I let what just happened fully sink in.

I swallow a lump in my throat and blink, trying to fight back the tears that I can feel creeping up on me as my cheeks heat up and suddenly I feel like I need to be sick.

"Camila? Camila?" I hear Niall saying my name between the ringing of my ears and I shake my head and clear my throat before looking up at him to see that he is peering down at me in a mixture of concern and confusion. "You ok?"

I nod my head immediately but then curse myself before quickly changing my mind. "Actually no...I don't feel too good."

I watch as a look of what seems like realization crosses his features and he lets out a dry bitter laugh. "Is this about Selena? Because if it is Mila, don't let her get to you! She's a bitch and she just wants to piss me off and she used you to do so. I'm sorry that you got dragged into my mess with her, but it's just Selena...let's not let her ruin our date."

Oh God. If only he knew how much of a mess I have been dragged into because of Selena Gomez and that it has absolutely nothing to do with him. No, I have managed to get into this all on my own.

I can barely be bothered to try and think of a reasonable excuse to cut this date short early, all I want to do is run to Lauren and warn her about Selena, to tell her the truth of who knows about us but how can I do that right now without Niall noticing?

"I know what Selena is like." I reply and at least I can be honest about that. I am very much aware of the she-devil that is Selena Gomez, Lauren has told me snippets about her in the past and I have been there to witness some of her bullying techniques around school throughout the years.

And it seems now I am on the receiving end of her grand finale.

"Ok," Niall holds out his hand. "So let's ignore her and continue?" he offers hopefully and I cringe.

This time he notices.

"You don't want too?"

"It's not that I don't want to..." the lie falls off my tongue because I can't handle the look on his face right now.

I need to get out of here.

"I just...I really don't feel well and I don't want to be terrible company."

Niall watches me for a moment, his eyes flickering up and down as he takes me in and I stand still with bated breath.

"Ok." He gives in and I feel my body sink in relief but it doesn't last long. "I'll take you home."

"No it's ok I-"

"Camila." He cuts me off with a small smile. "This is a date, remember? I'm going to be a gentleman and take you home."


"Ok." I give in reluctantly and let him show me into his car. I clench my fingers tightly together, willing myself to not touch my phone right now because it's not worth the risk of Niall seeing what I'm typing, but I need to talk to Lauren and I need to do it soon.

The ride back is tense and awkward, mainly because Niall keeps trying to talk to me but I can't pay attention for long enough to take note in what he is saying, which led to him repeating himself only for me to stutter out a lame reply until eventually he just gave up on any attempt of holding a conversation.

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