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Lauren's POv

November 23rd 2012.

Friday 12:15pm.

Miami, Florida.

"I'm telling you mate, she was the fittest bird I'd ever laid eyes on." Zayn rambles on beside me as we head towards the cafeteria. "I just had to have her, and she was totally loving it." I turn my head to see the smug look on his face.

"Zayn, every girl you hook up with is the fittest bird ever." I roll my eyes with a smirk. "You're reputation of being a complete and utter man-whore is starting to really take off."

"Well at least I'm getting some, when was the last time you hooked up with a girl, Jauregui? You're starting to lose your game." he teases me with a grin and I just shake it off and shove him slightly as we walk inside the canteen.

Oh he has no idea just how much I am 'getting some'. It's been nearly a month since Camila and I have become exclusive, and although it's hard sometimes, I can honestly say that when I'm with her I feel the happiest I have ever felt in my entire life.

I know, get the cheese grater out, I even cringe at myself sometimes.

But it's true.

We manage to find time to spend together most days of the week, most of the time she comes over to my apartment but I make it my personal mission to make sure I take her out of town at least once a week. It's nice to be in a place where no one knows us, where I can kiss her whenever I want, where I can hold her hand walking down the street, where we can act like a normal couple instead of secret lovers who have to hide themselves from the real world.

It's frustrating as hell sometimes, but what else can we do?

Besides, she is so worth it.

My eyes immediately scan the room and I find her sat at a table with who I now know are Dinah and Normani, her two best friends, as well as a couple of other cheerleaders, all of their uniforms in place and I'm reminded that it's a game day. She's smiling, but it's not reaching her eyes and there is no sparkle there so I know it's forced.

However almost as if she can sense me watching, her head turns just an inch to her right and her eyes meet mine and that smile widens just a tiny bit, and her eyes light up. If you didn't know her, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference, but I do, and I can.

It's a risky move, in a crowded cafeteria with eyes everywhere and Zayn stood right beside me, but I sneak her a wink and immediately she bites on her bottom lip, trying to fight off her grin and I reluctantly turn my head away again.

We can't exactly have eye sex right now in front of half the school.

"Hey!" I hear Zayn speak and it snaps me out of my thoughts with a grimace as he punches me on the shoulder, hard. "Are you even listening to me?"

"No." I smirk at him as I grab a tray full of food and go to our usual table in the corner, I sit down just as Zayn walks and joins me, a glare on his face.

"You hurt my feelings, Jauregui." he takes a seat.

"Aw, lovers tiff?"

Ashley slams her tray down onto the table beside me, a grin on her lips that makes me roll my eyes.

"Little Sister," Zayn sighs loudly. "Is there a reason why you are bothering us on what was such a fine day?"

"Sorry, was I interrupting your domestic?" she asks sarcastically and I swat her hand away as she steals a fry from my plate.

"Hey." I scowl. "If you're hungry, get real food yourself instead of stealing mine!" I look down at her own tray which just has one tiny plate of salad.

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