Chapter 4

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Marth's POV

I wake up and get out of bed. I smile at the fact that Ike is now my boyfriend. I frown at the fact that I am grounded. I get out some clothes. Today is the second to last day of school.

I get dressed and head downstairs. I am wearing shorts, sneakers, and a shirt with the logo of my favorite video game franchise, Fire Emblem. There are actually characters named Ike, Marth, and Roy. And they look like us. Weird.

-Note- More fourth wall breaking!

I have a simple breakfast- a bowl of chocolate Mini Wheats. I grab my backpack and head out the door to the bus stop.

"Bye mom! I'm heading to the bus stop!" I yell as I cross the doorway.

"See you after school!" She yells.

I walk across the street to the bus stop. I see Pit, Roy, Ike, and Link there.

"Hi!" I yell.

"Hey!" They yell in unison.

I head over to Ike.

"Hi." I feel a blush creeping up.

I look around to make sure nobody else is near. When I'm sure, I get on my toes and kiss him.

"I'm sorry about what happened last night." Link says.

"It's perfectly fine. I understand what happened." Ike says.

"Thank you." Link says.

After Link says that, the bus arrives. We get in our usual seats, the back row of the bus. One change in seating is made: we switched seats so that I'd be sitting next to Ike.

"Wake me up when we get to school, okay?" I ask.


I fall asleep, my head on his shoulder. Something that is okay because we are the first stop.

-Timeskip about 20 minutes-

"Marth! Wake up!" Ike nudges my shoulder.

"Huh?" I yawn.

"We're at school. And we won't be able to kiss or say 'I love you' because at least fifty percent of this school's population is homophobic to some extent." He says.

"How about now? We're at the back of a noisy bus." I ask.

"It should be okay." He says.

"Okay, then. I love you so, so much, Ike." I kiss him.

"I love you too, Marth." He kisses me. We stay like that until the bell telling us to get off the bus rings.

"See you after school." I say. We don't have any classes together.

-Time Skip until after school and on the bus-

"I missed you at school." I kiss Ike. Something that I've been wanting to do all day.

"Well, tomorrow is the last day. We can hang out whenever we want." He says.

"I'm grounded for the next two weeks. Mom grounded me when she found out that you became my boyfriend. But I don't care. I'll always love you, no matter what happens. I'll try to get un-grounded. Because I can't go for a whole two weeks without you." I say.

"I can't go that long without you, either."

"All these things that happen to us are making me love you more." I look him in the eyes and smile.

"Same here. The wedges that people try to drive between us are just making our bond tighter. I love you more than everything." I blush at his words.

I put my arms around him and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Our bus stop is coming up." Ike starts getting his stuff together.

"Bye." I say as we get off. "Love you."

"I love you too."

I walk to my house and think of how to get ungrounded. My mom is waiting outside.

"Marth, we need to talk." She says.


"I think I overreacted when I grounded you. It's your life. I can't stop you from living it however you want." She says.

"So I'm ungrounded?" I smile.

"Sure, why not?"

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I hug her.

-Note- If only life were that simple.

I get my phone and text Ike.

Me: How about we hang out?

Ike: Weren't you grounded?

Me: Mom ungrounded me.

Ike: That's great! Where will we go?

Me: How about the park? Just the two of us. And whoever happens to be at the park at that time.

Ike: Sounds good to me!

Me: See you in a few minutes!

Ike: Bye!

"Mom! I'm going to the park!" I yell.

"When will you be back?"

"I don't know, mom! I'm a teenage boy, meaning I'm unpredictable!"

"Be back at some point tonight."

"Okay, bye." I walk out the door.

-Time Skip until Marth arrives at the park-

I arrive at the park and look for Ike. I see him swinging. On a swing.

"Hiiiiiiiii!" I yell to Ike.

"Wassup?" He yells back.

I walk to the swings and start swinging next to him.

"My mom just ungrounded me. I didn't even have to convince her or anything."

"How did that happen?" He laughs.

"I don't know! I just know that I'm happy and that my mom is insane. Let's go sit somewhere, shall we?" I ask.

"Sure! How about a bench in a far away area?" He asks.

"Sounds good." I get up and grab his hand. He blushes when our hands touch.

We walk around a bit, looking for a bench, holding hands (of course). We finally find one on the far side of the park.

"Now we're all alone." Ike says.

"No one to judge us unless someone comes along." I move his face so that he faces me.

"Which means that we can do this." He pulls me close and kisses me.

He holds my hand with one arm and wraps the other around my back. We stay like that for a while, breaking away only to breathe. Whenever we broke away, we'd stay apart just long enough to get enough air. We would immediately reconnect our lips once we refilled our lungs.

We break away after what seems like forever. I try to catch my breath.

"I- That was- I-" I pause to actually create a real response. "That was great; I love you."

"Do I really mess up your thoughts?" He asks.

"Apparently." I laugh a little.

"Well, I love you too."

A woman walks by us and congratulates us. So there are people in this world who can accept us. Even if most can't.

-Note- Ending this chapter here because I need to work on other stories and I haven't updated this for over a month. Gomen.

Umm, I don't know what to say here, so... poop?

Sayonara, minna-san!

Twist of Fate- a Marth x Ike FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now