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OK!!!! So this one was decided by @OtakuCrazeMass I actually loved this idea and I couldn't wait to write it! I FREAKING LOVE IT!!! So of course as all the Insane BNHA  there is a sheet. The beginning of this will just be sheets so if you do not like that I would skip a little. But the sheets will help you understand the serious illness people have and the characters in this a little more. 

Name: (Y/N) Kinzoku-Kasa
Age: 21
Doctor(s): Aizawa Shouta, Maindo Aaliyah, Toshinori Yagi
Quirk: Half Metal Half Fire
Mental Problem:  Paranoid Personality Disorder & PTSD
Explanation: PPD: is characterized by a distrust of others, even family, friends, and romantic partners. People with this disorder perceive others intentions as malevolent, even without any evidence or justification. PTSD: can develop after an individual has experienced a stressful life event. Symptoms of PTSD include episodes of reliving or re-experiencing the event, avoiding things that remind the individual about the event, feeling on edge, and having negative thoughts. Nightmares, flashbacks, bursts of anger, difficulty concentrating, exaggerated startle response, and difficulty remembering aspects of the event are just a few possible symptoms that people with PTSD might experience.
Reason: The patient grew up in a very Abusive Home. Their Mother was a Villain and beat her senseless when something wasn't done to her immediate satisfaction. Her mother's quirk was fire so whenever her mother got mad she would burn her. She has burn prints on her shoulders thanks to her. Her father was an alcoholic with a metallic quirk. You can see where that leads. She now gets flashbacks to it whenever someone gets close. she also believes whoever wants to talk to her just wants to harm her in any way possible.
Advice: If experiencing Flashbacks while awake get her to a secluded area. If asleep AWAKE IMMEDIATELY!! 

Name: Shoto Todoroki
Age: 21
Doctor(s): Maindo Aaliyah, Aizawa Shouta, Toshinori Yagi
Quirk: Half Fire Half Ice
Mental Problem: PTSD & Depression
Explanation: Depression: feelings of severe despondency and dejection.
Reason: The Patient grew up in an abusive home. Their father trained him to the break of insanity and abused his mother to the point of fearing their son saying. "He looked just like him" and burned his left eye. There is a mark laid bear upon his face. His father didn't take time to take care of him Mentally and his older sister ended up putting him in here for mental reasons. 
Advice: Don't let him near anything water related and if he falls asleep stay a little longer just to make sure no flashbacks happen 

Name: Izuku "Deku" Midoriya
Age: 20
Quirk: Unknown
Doctor(s): Toshinori Yagi, Aizawa Shouta
Mental Problems: Bipolar Disorder 1 (mixed mania & depression episodes), Separation Anxiety, & Stigma
Explanation: Bipolar: is characterized by shifts in mood as well as changes in activity and energy levels. The disorder often involves experiencing shifts between elevated moods and periods of depression. Such elevated moods can be pronounced and are referred to either as mania or hypomania. Separation Anxiety: is a type of anxiety disorder involving an excessive amount of fear or anxiety related to being separated from attachment figures. People are often familiar with the idea of separation anxiety as it relates to young children's fear of being apart from their parents, but older children and adults can experience it as well. When symptoms become so severe that they interfere with normal functioning, the individual may be diagnosed with a separation anxiety disorder. Stigma: Negativity
Reason: Since his father left at a young age he blamed himself. He would be highly depressed one day but then happy and over hyper being overconfident with himself. He has a small voice in his head that feeds him negativity which caused his Bipolar Disorder to worsen.
Advice: If he connects with you wait until he's asleep to leave. Also, feed him positive things

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