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Ok so I found this pic and I had an idea! Ok here is your info

Name: (Y/N) Neko Quirk: Cat Quirk Explanation: The user has the traits and appearance of a cat. They also have the added strength, speed, Intelligence, stamina, etc of both cat and human. They, unfortunately, have to sleep a lot and purrs when comfortable and or when petted, the user's ears and tail are also highly sensitive. They can also grow claws. Class: 1-B Hero Name: Kitty Height: 5'8" Occupation: Student Age: 16 Family: None Mental Issues: None Ok hope you like this!


Mystic here yeah just a fair warning this might be triggering for some people. Reason being...I've never had a cat so I don't know if some of these things are natural just something I've seen cats does ok? Glad we got that out of the way. Continue!

~Your POV~

"Aizawa can you please stop trying to pet me?" "My bad" I sighed and walked into my class. "Hey Kit Kat" I looked over and saw Aaliyah "what do you want Aaliyah?" "Wow looks like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed" "I'm pissed cause I had to wake up!" She shook her head then walked next to me. Her quirk was called Destructive Mind. She could make anything blow up just by thinking about it. She was in 1-A which was depressing. "What's wrong?" "Why does Aizawa keep trying to pet me?!" "Cause he's in love with cats!" "Just great" "At least he likes you. He almost expelled some of us for failing a test!!! And you know I'm not smart!!!!!" "Depressing." "IT REALLY IS!!!"  I yawn out as I wave goodbye to her and entered my class.

"(Y/N)!" I groaned and looked at Tetsutetsu who was beaming at me with his shark teeth. "Yes?" "We're getting a new student! They're from class 1-C!" "Stop yelling, my hearing is sensitive. And who is it?" "I heard it was that Shinsou kid!" 'Of course, he keeps yelling' "The indigo-haired kid?" "Yeah!" I groaned and rolled my eyes "Probably another kid to annoy me. So leave me alone, please. I'm gonna take a cat nap" "Alright (Y/N)! Night!" I groaned and closed my eyes my tail wrapping around me and my ears pressing against my skull. I slipped into the darkness and ignored everything around me especially Monoma's rant about class 1-A 'I swear he is gay for everyone in class 1-A

I was rudely awoken when I started purring feeling a hand rub my ears. I opened one eye and growled, "Who has a death wish?" I looked and saw a Male with indigo hair and tired indigo eyes. "Hitoshi Shinsou right?" "Yes," he answered blankly and continued rubbing my ears. "Could you stop?" "No" "why not?" "Cause your ears are soft" I looked at him confused but ended up brushing his hand away from my ear. "Well then Mr. Cat lover the second I'm (Y/N) Neko nice to meet you" "Likewise" I saw him looking at my tail and ears and I squirmed slightly under his gaze, "Could you uh...stop staring at me?" "Oh yeah uh... Sorry" I rolled my eyes as he sat down in the empty seat next to me. Class started and either Vlad king forgot or didn't care but he didn't tell anyone about Shinsou. The whole class though I could feel Shinsou staring at me. 

When lunch started I went upstairs on the roof to eat with Aaliyah but depressingly enough she went home early due to family issues. 'Damn family' My ears twitched as I heard footsteps coming close to me "Usually eat here alone Kitty?" "No Mr. Cat lover the second. I usually eat here with a friend but they're out for the rest of the day." "Oh well, do you mind me sitting here?" "I don't see why not." He sat down next to me and my tail wrapped around myself. "Stop staring at my tail and ears or I will end you." "Alright sorry." "Finally I-" "Can I pet you though?" "WHAT?!" Ok so this guy was finally starting to piss me off and I'm not very pretty when I'm pissed. "It calms cats down and makes them comfortable. You obviously need to calm down and I want you to be comfortable around me. I am your new classmate after all" 

I looked at him then sighed. "Sure whatever." I scooted closer to him and he put his hand on my head and started petting me. I purred and relaxed under his touch. Instinctively I moved my head into his hand and my tail unwrapped around me up ended up wrapping around his wrist. I could feel him relaxed and unloose as I purred. "Your hair is just as soft as your ears." I blushed a light pink but the bell interrupted us. He removed his hand I pouted slightly. 'Fuck' "Well damn. That's unfortunate. Let's go Kitty." I got up and my tail swished through the air. I started walking with my hands in my skirt pockets. 'Haha, Fuckers! I can sew pockets on my mother fucking skirt!' "You ok Kitty?" "Huh?" "When the bell rang you looked upset. Did you like being petted that much?" "N-No!" "Whatever you saw Kitty." I rolled my eyes and went down the stairs. 'I really hope Aaliyah is here tomorrow or I'm gonna die!' 

When we got into the class it was the normal shit. Nothing new or fascinating. Apparently, Shinsou likes being either behind or next to me cause those are the seats he chose. 'Why god! Why me!!' During history, my eyes started to droop and I started blacking out. Apparently, Shinsou noticed and looked at me. "you ok?" He whispered. I shook my head and tried to stay up. "Thanks to my quirk I sleep as much or maybe more as a cat. S-So school isn't....very....h-helpful.." I muttered as I closed my eyes. He snapped his fingers in my face and I jumped slightly. "I'm up," I mumbled. "I'm up... I'm...up..." I put my arm and the desk and laid down on it. Within a second I was out like a light. 

~Shinsou's POV~

"(Y/N)?" I snapped my fingers in her face and waved my hand in her face. 'Nothing Fuck' I put my hand on her head and pet her softly. 'Maybe that can wake her up' She started purring in her sleep and snuggling into a ball. 'Fuck' Then the bell rang and that was a slight relief. Midnight walked up to me. "Fell asleep?" "Yeah." "Well take her to Class 1-A. Aizawa can watch her." "I-I can do it Miss, Midnight. We are friends after all." "She made a friend other than Aaliyah? Well damn. Go ahead then Shinsou." I nodded and she left the classroom. I sighed and picked her up. She nuzzled into my chest and purred softly. Her soft as silk talk was brushing against my leg. I got up so we wouldn't in the uncomfortable chairs and sat against the wall. She cuddled closer to me and I blushed lightly. 'SO CUTEEE' I panicked inside and repositioned her so her head was on my shoulder and her legs wrapping around my waist, wanting her to be comfortable. She nuzzled her head in my neck and licked it softly. 'FUCK!' I tried to calm my breathing but I was freaking out. 

'If she wakes up I'm so dead....' As if she was a psychic she woke up with a small adorable yawn. "Nya~ I'm Up Miss Midnight!" She looked around and saw that the classroom was empty, "The hell?" She looked at me and her (E/C) eyes widened like a full moon. She jumped out of my lap and looked at me with a crimson red blush and confused eyes but an angry scowl. She hissed at me and her tail waged and her ears twitched. "W-WHY WERE YOU H-HOLDING ME!" "You were asleep and Midnight said I could watch over you until you woke up!" I defended putting my hands up. She raised an eyebrow before sighing. "Whatever better than Aizawa who just cuddles with me and pets my ears." "No problem Neko." "(Y/N)" She hissed with a blush. "No problem (Y/N)." She smiled softly then the bell rang. 'Well fuck you too' "My ears" She covered her ears and whined a little. We went to our next class and she sat down. 

~Time Skip last class~

I was finishing the paper we were assigned when (Y/N) passed back a paper. It was the homework assignment and on my page, it had writing on it. Name: Hitoshi Shinsou Date: Me Cat lover. I looked at her and her ears were red and she was fiddling with a pencil. I smiled then Hit the table 3 times making sure it was extended than one long hit one short then one long. Morse cord for OK. She shook a little and her ears turned a deep crimson. 'This was a fun day now wasn't it' I decided to be a dick and Hit the desk more. Her ears twitched as she listened. When I finished and hid her face. 

Of course, I will Kitty! Seems like fun! Let's go to dinner tonight! I'll pick you up at 7 try not to be asleep. If you are we can just cuddle on your bed or sofa. Can't wait. See ya at 7 Kitty.

The bell rang and before I could get up she was gone. "That's the fastest I've ever seen her! Shinsou whatever you did do it again." I nodded and walked out. 'See ya, Kitty.' 

♫Ok, I'm sorry it's shitty but I'm working on the insane chapter and updating my other books. I'm sorry!!!!!!

☀Shut it! Now when am I coming up?!?

♫You'll be in the insane chapter I promise. Plus next person I wanna write for is Mettaton reget! Anywho I hope you guys like it none the less. Bye!!!

☀Bye shitty extras

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