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I would recommend you won't go there as yet; child. 

A pestilence is about. 

I'm not talking about the kind that comes with hygiene issues-I see your expression! I know I'm filthy, but a much worse pestilence than a little grease will find you if you continue. 

Look, look tither.

See the smoke coming up child? That was someone's house. 

It isn't anymore. 

They all wonder who did it. But I'll tell you a secret...they all know

You just wait, they'll find a way to blame it on me. Like I would ever step in that excuse of a community. But you just wait and see. They'll come one day; all righteous and preening, and I'll have to make a run for it. 

Which is what you should do, if you've got any brains in you. 

For your sake, I hope you learn by my words. 

If you don't, well then, you shall learn in time.   

-The Tramp By the Village Road.


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