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After Landon told me to go up to his room so I'm sitin' here lookin' though Instagram waitin' for him to come and we can do who knows what. I hear the door open so I look up and see Landon in the black lingerie that he took a picture in and he looked hotter in person so hot that I dropped my phone on his bed and just stared at him then he started walking towards me my pants started gettin' tighter and unconformable once he got to me he sat on my lap,

"Let's have fun papi." once he said that I was over the edge I grabbed one of his nipples and started rubbin' it he moaned loudly makin' my pants get tighter by the sound .to make him moan more I started suckin' on his nipple I looked at him while doin' it he threw his head back then grabbed my head pullin' it closer to him I was about to take it farther but my phone  started to ring so I stopped and picked it up,

"No leave it you can call them later." Landon said I laughed and started talking to D'angelo my right hand man

'Yo Mateo where have you been we need to hang out sometime soon.' 

'You right bro we do need to hang out.'

Landon pouted and crossed his arms I smirked then started suckin' on his nipple again he threw his back and moaned really loud,

'Dude are you gettin' laid?'

I told Landon to be quite but before I could say anythin' to D Land grabbed my phone

'Mateo is busy about to beat this pussy so he's gonna have to call you back later.' he said then hung up the phone he got off of me got on his bed and laid with his legs open,

"Damn baby boy you look so good I don't know if I want to mess you up." I said admirin' his body

"Then come mess me up papi mess up my whole word." he said to me and I lost all my cool I slowly wake towards him once I got to him I started kissin' him on his beautiful plump lips I licked his bottom lip askin' for entrance into his mouth which he gave to me in a instant my tongue traveled around his mouth which tastes sweet. 

I pulled away from our hot make out session and started sucking on Landon's neck making  Hickies on I sucked all around his neck I got near his collarbone on the right side of his neck and Landon let out a moan,

"Does that feel good? "

"Mmhh,yea it dose . "

I wanted him to say papi after but I'm going to let that one slide. I started kissing and sucking down Landon's chest I got down to his pussy but stopped and went back up to his nipples I started sucking on his right one and rubbing the left one making him moan. I moved down to his pussy and licked it making him moan I did that 3 more times than stopped and got off the bed,

"W-why did you stop? "

"Take off your lingerie I am going to grab something when I come back I want you naked hands and knees on the bed ass in the air. "

I said then walked out of the room I walked all the way to my car to get handcuffs and a blindfold then I walked back into the house and walked to Landon's room I opened the door and the first thing I see was Landon's ass in the air his legs  spread just enough so that I could see his pussy.  I got on the bed and put the blindfold and handcuffs then got off the bed took off my clothes and got on the bed laying on my back my face right in front of Landon's pussy,

"Sit on my face."

He started lowerin' himself as soon as his pussy was close enough to my face I stuck my tongue right on his clit making him moan loudly,

"Ugh papi. "

I continued to lick, suck, and stick my tongue in and out of Landon makin' him go crazy all you could hear was Landon's moans and slurpin',

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