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Everyone sat in silence as they watched Miles drink the water he was given. Mateo tapped his leg impatiently waiting for Miles to finish.

"Can you hurry the fuck up?" Mateo asked in annoyance making Miles take one large gulp of the water before setting the cup down on the table.

Miles cleared his throat, "Mh sorry." he said.

"Who are you and how did you meet Landon?" Kiel asked.

"My name is Miles and I met Landon at James hideout where I used to stay. I first met Landon when James told me to go check on his babies-" Mateo let out a big scoff at the sentence.

MIles continued, " When I went to Landon's room me and him bonded instantly and the more we talked the closer we got until Landon decide that we we're going to escape so we made a plan about how to escape but since Landon is pregnant I couldn't let him do it because it would be very dangerous so I said I would do it."

Miles turned his head to see everyone staring at him and listening, " I found a map and Landon gave me the address to this house and said one of his best friends lived here and that I should find her. So around 1 in the morning Landon and I went over the plan one more time before I escaped."

"Okay pause how did you end up being associated with James?" Amber asked everybody else nodding also wanting to know.

"My father sold me to James because he didn't have enough money to give to him."

Mateo stared at the floor trying to process everything," How are he and my babies?" he asked his eyes glossy like he was going to cry

"Landon is doing fine and so are your babies they're all very healthy." Mateo smiled at the words Miles said. Mateo's smile faded when he snapped his fingers and both Vance and D'Angelo grabbed Miles by his arms restraining home from moving.

Miles tried to pull away," What the fuck!" he exclaimed," What are you doing?"

Mateo stood up and slowly walked over to Miles," I don't know if I can trust your word or not so I'm taking you back to my warehouse just in case." after saying that Vance and D'Angelo covered Miles eyes before making there way to the car.

Rain, Kiel, and Quaze followed behind. Mateo turned back to Shazaya and Amber," I'll keep in touch." he said before walking out the house and getting in the driver's seat and speeding off to the warehouse.



The door to Landon's room flew open making Landon jump out of his sleep Landon looked at the door only to spot a very angry James,

"W-what's wrong?" Landon asked

"I know what you did you little shit!" James yelled

"W-what do you-"

"Don't act dumb you slut you know what I'm talkin' about I know about your plan to get out of here!"

"But how?"

"If you leave you're not leavin' with my babies." James then whistled and a few seconds later a group of people walked into the room

"What do you mean?"

James didn't answer the question but just watch as Landon tried to run but he was caught

"What are you doin' with those needles? Don't you dare ahh!" Landon screamed when the needles punctured his skin

"Like I said if you leave you aren't leaving with my babies," James said with a chuckle before Landon blacked out.


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