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I just woke up and everyone else is sleepin' so I decided to make breakfast for everyone which is 8 people it's kind of a lot but oh well.

I just finished cookin' all the food and I am so tired these hoes better pay me back speakin' of which let me go wake them up I grabbed 2 pans from the kitchen and tipped toed into the livin' room and started bangin' the pans together screamin'


I yelled makin' some of them jump out of their sleep,

"You hoe why the hell are you yellin' so early in the morning?" Shazaya asked with Mateo,Kayla,Justice, and D'Angelo nod with agreement,

"Because y'all hoes need to wake up now sing it with me so we can wake everyone up and plus it's not that early it's 11:25. " I said about to bang the pans together again but Mateo grabbed them out of my hands before I could,

"No wake them up like a normal person would not like a fuckin' manic would." he said I sighed

"Fine you can do that I'm goin' back into the kitchen when you done all of y'all come in the kitchen cause I made breakfast. "

"Okay." they said so I walked back into the kitchen grabbin' juice out of the fridge with some fruit and puttin' them on the table with all the plates then sat down waitin' for everyone to come into the dinin' room soon they did,

"Wow my hoe can coookkk." Shay said runnin' over to a plate and sat down everyone followed her doin' the same,

"Let's eat ." I said then began to eat.

"Wow Landon I didn't know you could cook." Damon said with a smile on his face,"It's really good."

"Oh thank you." I smiled at the compliment

Damon nodded his head and started to eat again.


After we all finished eatin' we all started takin' showers because we gonna go to the mall,"Are y'all ready we about to leave." I asked gettin' tried of sittin' there on the couch waitin' with all the guys except Landon and 

"Yea we ready." they said walkin' out I have to admit my baby looks fine in his outfit. We all started walkin' to the cars some of us went to my car some went to D'Angelo's car.

We just got to the mall we're all walkin' together to the door in front of the mall then walked in,"Okay girls you are with me lets go hoes." Landon said runnin' to me and givin' me a quick peck makin' me grab his waist and hold him closer,

"That's not a kiss give me a better one." I said makin' him blush but kiss me I gripped his waist tighter makin' him whimper in my mouth before someone pushed me,

"Okay get a room y'all don't need to be fuckin' in plain sight." Shazaya said

"I know my poor virgin eyes will never be the same again!" Justice said fallin' on the floor actin' like she was cryin', I sighed and let go of my baby,

"Be careful if anything happens and I mean anythin' call me okay." I said Landon nodded walkin' away to the girls I grabbed his arm before he could then took money out of my pocket and gave it to him he counted it

"Ain't nothin' goin' to happen to him he got us." Kayla said I nodded then they began walkin' off but before we left I saw Damon roll his and it looked like he scoffed under his breath. Does this nigga have a problem?

"Nigga let's go Nordstrom." Damon said pullin' my arm and draggin' me along with them I sighed pullin' my arm away from him they started walkin' again.

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