Chapter 11

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CHAPTER 11- Pub. April 11th, 2019

I walked along Hoseok, watching the pavement ground as we neared the entrance to the mall. I kept my head low. This morning when I came down for breakfast, Hoseok was the only one who didn't glance at me weirdly because of how I had disappeared to the night before. The others made me slightly uncomfortable, giving me a look every once in a while. None of them said anything, but I felt the curiosity behind their eyes. I had a 'swell' time smiling, secretly, trying to convince them I was fine, as Jimin eyed me with concern. I tried hard to be careful not to get emotional because of guilt, since I was hiding my feelings from them.

It was worse, once Jungkook came down for breakfast and sat next to me. I still couldn't figure out what it was of him that made me uncomfortable.

I have to be the perfect 'child'. I need them to keep me.

As we walked across an area of the street that had constant cars running over it, Hoseok grabbed my hand. Blood rushed to my cheeks and I hoped he couldn't see me blush. I had to remind myself, Sujin, you're his sister now. You're his dongsaeng. Don't take it any other way.

Jin glanced at us, "Hoseok, she's a teenager. She doesn't need your hand when we cross the street."

Hoseok pouted, "She's still my sister."

I managed to smile and take his side, "It's okay, Jin," I grinned.

Jin beamed, as if he were a proud mother, "Alright, only because we must keep our dongsaeng safe."

We continued on our way to the mall. We were going because Taehyung insisted I get plenty of outfits to choose from before I went to school, even though I'd have a uniform to wear while I was at school. I even had plenty of cloths that I had brought from the orphanage-though Aecha had insisted I leave some at the orphanage so I wouldn't have to take so much to my new home- but even Taehyung agreed himself that it was also an excuse to look at cute new outfits that he wanted to buy for me. Plus, overall, I needed school supplies.

Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, Jin, and Jungkook were coming. Tae, Jimin, and Hobi wanted to help me pick out outfits, while Jin and Jungkook were coming to help me with school supplies.

Upon entering, I smiled. It was the first real smile all day. Any Homesickness still lingering washed away and I felt like I could breath. I used to go to this mall all the time with Aecha and a few other kids at the orphanage.

"Alright, Sujin, we can go for cloths or supplies first. Which do you prefer?" Jin asked.

"Why don't we look at some cloths first?" I suggested. Jin nodded.

"Ooh! Follow me, Sujin!" Taehyung exclaimed, making me laugh. We followed him down to the other side of the mall, a section where I didn't usually go. There were designer brands of all types, and I started getting worried.

"Uh, Taehyung, are you sure we're going the right way?" I asked.

"Completely positive."

"I don't think this is where you wanted to go..."

"Yes it is, he said, stopping in front of the biggest store at the end of the mall. I almost gasped when I saw the store name.

"Taehyung," I paused. "Taehyung, I do not think we should be here."

"Why not?" he asked. Hoseok started laughing as Jimin sprinted ahead of us.

"Come on, Sujin! We'll all pull together some money and get you a few things. You like Gucci, don't you?"

I stared at the bright red and green letters with gold outlining the words, Gucci. Inside, only the most expensive clothes and accessories ever, would be inside.

Forever, You are Young // BTS Adopted Book 1 ✅Where stories live. Discover now