Chapter 6

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We all continued eating and everyone started to seem a bit nervous. Again, the atmosphere seemed light and everyone seemed pepped up, but I wasn't sure what else was there. I assumed it was just me as I was the odd one out. I noticed Jin glance at Namjoon and Namjoon nod back before Jin stood up.

"Excuse me, I'll be right back," he told everyone, and smiles appeared from every corner. Jin left the room and everyone seemed to be looking at me.

"What?" I asked, almost beginning to laugh. "Do I have something on my face or something?"

"Ah, ahni, ahni," Taehyung said, grinning even wider.

"Then what is it?" I laughed.

"Nothing," Yoongi said, clearing his throat with a plain expression.

"Ok," I hummed, going back to eating with the others. We kept eating for a few more minutes when Namjoon cleared his throat.

"So, Sujin, you know how we came to the orphanage earlier today and looked for someone to adopt, but came out empty handed?" he asked me, and I nodded.

"Yes, if you are still looking I can suggest a few I know you'd like," I told him, remembering Chin-Hae.

"No, we don't need it. I actually wanted to tell you that we decided on someone," he said, and my face lit up.

"Really! Who?" I asked, maybe they had decided on Chin-Hae, or maybe another person who I'd be equally happy for, I just wanted to know who I'd be congratulating when I got home.

"Well, we actually brought them home already," e said slowly.

"What?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows. I didn't think that they had taken someone without me noticing. Maybe they had gone with Jin, but it didn't fit together.

"You'd be surprised that the person we chose to adopt," he started, smiling wider than I had ever seen, "Is you."

It took me a second to realize the words. Of course I knew what the word was, but to put it into reality was hard. I looked up at him and dropped my fork. I gasped, fully taking everything in. Their faces confirmed that they weren't joking or lying, and I could only peep out one word.

"R-really?" I whispered. Everything after that was slow. I took in every detail.

Taehyung hugged me from the back as Jin approached with a white cake. Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin, and Namjoon all shouted in sync, "Welcome to your new home!" as I covered my mouth, that was still hanging open, with my hands. I shrunk back in my chair, crying. I felt so overwhelmed with emotion.

This was the day. This was my day. This was the day I imagined so many times in my head, yet it was the last day I thought it would happen. I especially didn't think it would be with these people. Not only are they the best people I could have imagined, but they were someone I knew. Someone I knew would take care of me.

I kept crying but I tried to smile at the boys who were all surrounding me.

"T-thank you," I stuttered, thanking them through hiccuped breaths. "I-I can't believe this is happening. Why me?"

"Ah," Jin let out a breath. "You fit what we wanted perfectly, from your age to personality, and even if that wasn't enough, you are just beyond being an amazing and talented individual. We knew we liked you from the beginning but spending the day with you made sure there were no second thoughts. You're old and mature enough to take care of yourself sometimes while we are busy with our schedule, and you get along with us so well," Jin complimented.

I was happy, but a pang of guilt yet again surrounded me, this time a bit stronger. I could tell some of the boys, who had kept their attention to me this whole time, noticed.

"Are you okay, Sujin?" Jungkook asked. I could tell he was wondering if adopting me was the best idea.

"Yeah, are you sure you're okay with this?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes, yes! I'm very happy but there's other kids that deserve it more than I do. I can't help but feel bad. And now I have to leave my friend. I just hope they'll all get along without me."

"Oh, I'm sure they will. They were lucky to have you, but now it's your turn to think about yourself," Jimin told me.

I nodded, "Yeah, thanks," I took a breath. "I seriously can't believe this. Thank you so much. I feel honored and I'm very happy to be here," I told them. "I'm so happy to finally have a home," I said before breaking into tears again.

"Don't cry, Sujin," Taehyung told me. I took a few more breaths to try to calm myself.

"We'll run by the orphanage tomorrow to grab your stuff. Are you okay with using some of our stuff for tonight and staying here?" Jin asked.

I nodded, "Yes, please," while wiping the last of my tears.

"Come on, let's have some cake!" Taehyung squealed, and I laughed.

"Let me clean up dinner first," Jin told Tae as he started to gather the dinner plates that we were all done with. I popped up to help him, gathering the plates before heading to the kitchen to wash them.

"Thanks Sujin, but I can wash them. You've done enough today," Jin smiled at me.

"Okay," I said, and skipped back to the table. I sat down to talk with the others.

"Ah, I can't believe this is now my new home. It's so nice here."

"Yes, we were afraid that we wouldn't be able to adopt a girl because you are now stuck with seven other boys, but our manager accepted it. We wanted a little sister," Yoongi smiled.

"I don't mind at all," I told him, smiling back. Jin came back into the room and placed the cake that he had brought in earlier in the center of the table.

"Thank you for this. It looks beautiful," I thanked Jin.

"I hope you like lemon."

"Of course!" Jin started cutting it into slices. We all ate our cake in silence.

"Sujin, would you like me to go get you some clothes to sleep in?" Jimin asked.

"Oh, yes please."

"Do you have any preference?"

"No, as long as I can sleep in it I'm fine."

He hopped up and left. He quickly came back with a slightly large white shirt and plaid sweats.

"Perfect, thank you," I told him.

"The bathroom's upstairs and to the right, you can go change there," he instructed.

"Okay," I said, walking off. As soon as I had changed, I re-entered the living room to see Jungkook, Tae, and Jimin on the sofa.

"We're going to watch something," Taehyung told me. "Come watch with us!"

"Of course!" I agreed.

"Alright, you guys relax, the rest of us are going to wind down. We'll be in our rooms but come get me if you need anything. Goodnight, Sujin," Jin told us.

"Alright," we all agreed, and the hyung  line left to go upstairs.

"Sujin, come here!" Jungkook said, tapping the empty part of the couch to his left. I ran over and squeezed in between him and Jimin with Taehyung on Jungkook's right side.

"What do you want to watch, Sujin?" Jungkook asked, remote in hand.

"I like pretty much everything. I watch a lot of dramas," I told Jungkook.

"Which one is your favorite?"

"I don't really have one, but if I really had to choose it would be Strong Girl Do Bong Soon."

"Ooh! That one's great! Those two are so cute and perfect for each other!" Taehyung explained. "Let's do that one, Kook!"

Jungkook put it on and we all settled in. I started to get tired so I leaned my head on Jimin's shoulder. Comfortably, I fell asleep.

Forever, You are Young // BTS Adopted Book 1 ✅Where stories live. Discover now