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Recently, Faustus Blackwood, the High Priest of the Church of Night, had found himself in a bit of a bind.

And, of course, in that bind he called out a plea of help. That help  solved the problem at hand, yes, but stayed past their desired welcome and stirred a bit of their own trouble in Greendale.

They call her Erebus, or as her little fans prefer, The Devil's Daughter. Born and raised in hell, she knew the loophole to everything, the solution to every problem, and most importantly, she knew how to outwit her own father. She could and most likely will overthrow the throne, though the Dark Lord likes to differ because his little girl is anything but a demon. In his eyes, of course. But the whole coven knows that, well, it's a fucking lie.

She'd rather spread disease and misfortune then sit all prim and proper on a throne of skulls. It's much more rewarding, if you were to ask her.


"Erebus, I call upon you," Faustus whispered as he finished tying a small rope tied around the voodoo doll that replicated the shadow demon herself.

"Hello, Faustus," Erebus smirked as the large oak door slammed open with just a thought, entering the High Priest's office without even so much as a knock. "You called?"

Faustus' eyes narrowed at the such rude behavior, but maintained his respect for the higher demon (though she looked nothing like a demon) by clearing his throat before he spoke, "The coven is in trouble."

After a sign to go on came from Erebus, who sat comfortably in the High Priest' chair, legs kicked up on the large desk which knocked papers off of it, Faustus continued reluctantly, "There's this witch. . .whom even the Dark Lord favors-"

"Sabrina Spellman," Erebus staked knowingly as she stared at her nails, cutting the High Priest off as a way to simply annoy him, knowing it was working.

Oh, how she loved to play with other's emotions. Quite the show they may put on, though it's a pity they never get to lay a finger on the cause of it. They couldn't if they tried and that's what Erebus found the most amusing.

It seemed that everything she did was some sort of almost effortless game that needed playing which lead to another and so on, until she grew tired of their presence.

"Yes," Faustus held back a growl as he moved on. "She's causing issues like no other even before she signed the Book of the Beast and she needs to be exiled, though she isn't allowed to be touched. How should I get rid of her?"

Erebus couldn't help but grin at Faustus' jealously of a half witch, but nonetheless helped out a fellow Priest because, quite frankly, Sabrina was nothing but an annoying selfish bitch anyways. Though, she did quite enjoy some of the shows she had put on. Who didn't? Sabrina Spellman was almost always the talk of the coven - good and bad - even before she officially signed the Book of the Beast.

"Well," Erebus grinned as she replied. "You could just exile her for going against every rule ever - as if the Dark Lord has told you, so you wouldn't need to have another experience in the court, no?"

"She'd find her way back in, and I'd be punished severely by the Dark Lord," Faustus frowned. "Her-"

"Yes, you are to be wed with Zelda Spellman, her aunt," Erebus rolled her eyes, finishing off his thought before getting up to face him, growing quite bored with the conversation.

Everything involving Faustus were either boring or illegal, though. Erebus didn't know why she was expecting something of interest when he called upon her, knowing damn well his intentions.

"I am Erebus, the only to outwit the Dark Lord. I'll have Sabrina Spellman falling at your feet, for even she is not as strong as I. No, she will not be touched for father's sake, but I can make sure he will allow her to be locked out of the coven. For good. And as for Zelda, well, if she is as of a follower as you believe, you shouldn't have a problem."

Erebus' eyes sparked in amusement for a moment as Faustus asked if Zelda actually was a follower of his and all of what he has said - what a pity. He's so whipped he can't even see it. Erebus wanted to congratulate him on being stupid enough to believe her, but decided to watch how the scenes play out would be better. He didn't need any more hatred towards the Spellman's anyway, considering that Sabrina was to be Queen of Hell in a few short moments.

Or so Lucifer thought.

"Well, if you think so, then I think so," Erebus chuckled before disappearing without as much as another glance towards the High Priest.

"Remember," Erebus' shadow whispered into Faustus' ear. "The girl can go to another coven of the Dark Lord's and still complete his tasks."

And Erebus was considering going back to the depths of hell she so much enjoyed, until a certain Spellman had ran into her. Well, or so it seemed to him.

"Ah, Ambrose," Erebus' silk voice echoed throughout the empty Academy of Unseen Arts lobby, greeting him as if he was an old friend. "I hear you're top boy; congrats. Well deserved considering you're nothing of your cousin and her brainwashed lover."

His eyes widened at Erebus' knowledge, not understanding who was taking to him, so he asked, "Do I know you?"

"You should," Erebus hummed. "I am in those books you all study 24/7."

"Thinking so highly of yourself, you'd seem to be a higher demon," Ambrose chuckled as he played with the empty glass of Bourbon he held, amusement clear on his features.

"Only the highest, darling," Erebus replied with a wink before walking off, fading as if it was a normal thing to do.

"Unholy shit," Ambrose cursed in realization, the glass falling to his feet and smashing almost immediately on impact.



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