Eighth is for Erebus

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Days later, Sabrina completed the prophecy and her dad, in his angelic form, walked out of the gates of Hell butt naked.

His ego is awfully big. But, it's alright for now. Erebus plans to crush his ego, along with his "immortal" bones.

"Erebus," Sabrina pleaded to her after Erebus had teleported to Sabrina's home, finding Lilith there to take her to Satan himself. "Please, you have to help you."

"I don't know if you noticed," Erebus stated as she glared daggers at Lilith, before turning to Sabrina. "But I do not like you, not enough to sacrifice myself for you."

Sabrina sighed, "Well isn't there anything we can do?"

"We'll make a plan while you're out," Erebus decided.

If she can have Sabrina take down Lucifer, then she wouldn't have to do any dirty work. She wouldn't have to endure the hatred glares from witches. She would snatch the crown and rule peacefully as if she's only doing what every heir to the throne would do. This is perfect.

"Won't we, Lilith?" Erebus smirked her uncaring "mother's" way.

"We sure will try," was her reply as she and Sabrina left to face Lucifer.


The group had eventually came up with a plan. Erebus knew it wouldn't kill her father, but it could potentially pain him to where they could through him in hell and deal with him later.

Now, Erebus stood right next to her "mother" as they watched the plan take action from the shadows.

Erebus growled lowly as the Spellman aunts' were threatened to be murdered by her father and decided to walk from the shadows. If she wanted to become the owner of hell, she'd have to sell it to the future Queens family and get them on her side, since Plan A didn't go as planned.

"Father, whatever are you doing?" Erebus asked as a basket full of apples appeared in her hands, as if she just got back from picking some.

"Why, I'm just doing what has to be done to get your future Queen to sound Gabriel's horn," Lucifer replied slyly, turning to his prized daughter.

"B-but," Erebus forced a tear to roll down her cheek. "They're my friend's guardians, Id be betraying them if I were to let this happen!"

Lucifer let out a long sigh, "Fine. Sabrina, I will not kill your aunts if you blow that horn. If you don't, they will not be spared."

"I'll do it," Sabrina decided. "I can't let my aunts die."


The group had then formed another plan that night, right before Sabrina was to be crowned. Erebus knew this wouldn't work, for she saw a vision, but that didn't stop her from going along with it. If she were to get in the way, Nicholas might not sacrifice himself. And she can't have that happen.

So, she did what she had to do.


"Ah, now that the Queen is crowned we will have a father daughter dance! And the lovely couple, Ambrose and Erebus, are engaged to be wed as of now!" Lucifer announced, causing Erebus to gasp in shock.

What the fuck?!

She growled lowly, but wouldn't ruin their stupid plan to cage Lucifer, as she could end Ambrose another time. Sighing and clearing her throat, hoping nobody heard her, she began to chant the spell that would "trap" Lucifer in Edward Spellman's special box.

Once Lucifer noticed, Erebus teleported the other guests that weren't in this away and Ambrose threw the box next to Lucifer which temporarily caught him.

And of course, as her vision predicted, he escaped. And no, he was not happy. He was about to fucking raise hell.

But luckily, Nicholas did what he had to do. He sacrificed himself. And was to be throne in hell with Lilith.

And now, Erebus faced Sabrina before Lilith was to enter hell.

"Mind if I?" She mentioned to her crown.

"Oh," Sabrina mumbled as she took it off and handed it to Erebus. "Of course."

Erebus smirked before putting the crown on, only to receive a clear of throat from Lilith.

"Yes?" Erebus asked, turning to her.

"I believe that's meant for me," Lilith stated with a nasty glare.

"I beg to differ," Erebus chuckled in reply. "You were never his Queen to begin with, and I being the first born of his, I get the crown."

Lilith snarled, "You've done nothing to help this coven."

"Once again, I beg to differ," Erebus stated. "I am the reason why Sabrina has awoken from her slumber seconds after she died. I made sure she completed that prophecy early. Not to mention,
I helped put an end to Lucifer, no?"

Lilith growled, "One day you'll see. You're just like your father."

Erebus simply shrugged, "I don't listen to the opinions of sheep."

"I think it's best you go now, Lilith," Hilda stayed, Harvey bringing Lucifer I'm Nicholas' body to her. "Before he wakes up."

Lilith huffed, "I'll be back for that crown."

"And you won't get it."

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