First is for Faustus

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The next day, entering as if she was a school girl, Erebus made a grand entrance. Fashionably late, as well. Only the Erebus' usual, making it a goal to get under the skin of all things self centered. Well, all things in general. Everyone grew boring after a while of playtime, in all honesty. Even when she made more of an effort to have otherwise happen. It never worked, though.

"Hello, followers of only the worst of them all," Erebus' dark manner flooded the teen witches and warlock brains' with questions and possible threats. "It is I, your favorite drinking buddy you've yet to know of. Someone save me a seat, no?"

"We have an empty seat over here," Sabrina Spellman herself volunteered, earning a chuckle from Erebus as she walked over.

"How lovely, Sabrina Spellman inviting me to her table that only held herself and her cursed boyfriend. I feel honored."

Sabrina and Nicholas' eyes narrowed, but Erebus thought nothing of it as she sent a bold wink Nicholas' way. Sabrina simply rolled her eyes as she introduced herself, though secretly was doubting herself of Nicholas' intentions. How gullible she was.

"I know of you, half breed, no need to introduce yourself," Erebus replied as she took a bite of Sabrina's apple. "I know of all. Introductions won't be needed for me."

"Who are you?" Sabrina asked as if she was the highest of all.

"Well, I'm only the heir of the throne," Erebus said as she took a large bite from the apple, bored with Sabrina's questions already.

No wonder why most became infuriated with her in only moments of learning about her. So many questions and yet so little bonding. She got right to the point, not having time for the games. Boring.

"You're the heir of Father Blackwood?" Sabrina scoffed. "Seriously-"

"No," Erebus snapped as she turned to the self centered bitch, her once sunflower colored eyes flickering until it stopped at a shade of blood. "I am Erebus, daughter of the Dark Lord. You can take this as your little warning, half breed because unlike everyone else, I don't take orders from my father. Even so much as to send another roll of the shit eyes my way and they'll be gouged by the end of the roll. You shouldn't think so highly of yourself, simple half bitch."

Daughter of Faustus? Please, that man is disgusting. She'd hang herself before people would even know if her existence if she was the heir of the Blackwood. It angered her that Sabrina automatically assumed that. Erebus honestly thought she knew better, but she did not. People  his day in age are generally more stupid than the last era, what was going on?

"Excuse me?" Sabrina bit back. "Thinking so highly of myself? Please. I didn't make such s glamorous entrance only minutes ago."

Erebus eyes seemed to turn a darker shade of red as she barked of laughter, "Trying to scare me when you stole a pack of gum for my dad?! Funny! Next time, don't argue with those over you. I know all, including how your little lover fucked a little bit of ginger on the final night of Lupercalia. Don't fuck with me."

Her eyes widened as they started to water, other teens had even turned to listen to the deafening, not a threat, but a promise. They all learned to back off of the highest demon, as well, once hearing her counter to the argument. They were speechless to put it simply. So much so, that they didn't have time to bully the half breed which most were so fond of. They just sat and stared, their mouths agape. They had learned their lesson about Erebus before they had even done anything to deserve her punishment, and yet it was still so surreal and terrifying.

"Did he really?" Sabrina sniffled quietly, though it was quite obvious to the whole coven that she was very upset with what she heard.

"Didn't even try to fight her off," Erebus' chuckled before taking the lovers' apple and walking over to another table, finally bored of the two.


"What you did back there," Ambrose had started conversation after noticing he was staring at the beautiful demon, walking up to her as she roamed the library of the Unseen Arts Academy. "Was absolutely brilliant! I mean, how do you know if such things?"

"Being the offspring of the Dark Lord holds it special abilities, but learning how to manipulate them is another ability in itself I, lucky enough, have acquired," Erebus admitted, knowing of Ambrose's fascinating thoughts about her and what she is able to do. "Though I can not quite explain how I do it. It's just always been apart of me, how the wild instinct has always been apart of a domesticated animal."

"Wow," Ambrose breathed. "What else can you do?"

"Lots of things, some I can't even name on the top of my tongue because those abilities are so useless, and quite frankly it's rather a long list I'd rather not share," Erebus stated as she stared at the puddle of recent anxious memory of Sabrina being here; attacked by the Demon of Rats. How wonderful.

"And why not?" Ambrose went on, wanting to learn more.

He's never been so interested in anything in his life.  The highest of demons stood right in front of him, so it was only natural that he had many of questions. Though she was in almost all of the books he's studied, none of them gave much information about her. Only about what she's done to help her father. Meeting her in real life, he found her to be quite the opposite of how Lucifer described her, so of course he wanted to know more. She was a mystery to him. A mystery he wanted to solve.

"I'd rather not waste my breath," Erebus stares quite coldly with a small smirk as she turned on her heel to look at Ambrose. "But, if you'd like help banishing the demon that's invaded your home tonight, give my rope a pull."

"What do you mean-" Ambrose stopped mid-question as Erebus disappeared, turning back around to stare at the shelves that Erebus once found interesting. "Nevermind then."

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