Reboot [Dead Reader X Human Prussia X Human Hungary] [One Shot Songfic]

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A room the darkness has come to love. 

A witch so hauntingly then appears. 

She greets me only to turn then say goodbye.

The time the seasons began to freeze. 

The days that never pass would pile up as snow. 

I think about it all of the time. 


The sun shone brightly on (town/city name), with hardly a single cloud in the sky. You were content with happily enjoying some ice cream with your friends Elizaveta and Gilbert. They often teased each other and you would sit back and watch, often video taping it on your cellphone. The happy days of summer vacation. You never wanted it to end! 

You all did what you normally did- played pranks on neighbors and strangers, annoyed Roderich a little, and somehow even convinced your parents to let you spend the night at Elizaveta's (though, you didn't tell them Gilbert was coming, but that's just a minor detail~). That night, you all talked and laughed and played games in the dark. 

"Hey, guys!" You got their attention, snapping your fingers in the middle of their current arguement. 

"What is it?" Elizaveta answered, hitting Gilbert in the head with a small skillet she always had. 

"You guys wanna stay friends forever, right?" You asked, excitedly. 

"Where is this coming from?" Gilbert asked, rubbing the spot where Elizaveta hit him. "I don't want to be because we're always gonna be friends... at least me and you... Elizaveta not-so-much, if she keeps hitting me that hard..." 

"Then accept the fact that I am more manly then you." 

"The awesome me will not!" 

"Aaaaaaaaaanyway~!" You butt into their about-to-start arguement, "I got us all cute little chains to remind us all that we are always together!" You handed each of them a little golden keychain that could fit on the zipper loop of a backpack. 

"Kesesese! Its so cool! Danke, (f/n)!" Gilbert gave you a hug, shortly followed by Elizaveta. 

"I will make sure to never loose it!" Elizaveta swore. "But I do have to ask, why are they stars?" 

You smiled. "I once heard a saying that said 'Friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but they're always there'." 

Gilbert frowned a little. "But technically... stars are dead. So are we dead friends?" 

And there's another crack to the head with a frying pan.


"I made it your favorite color, you'd love it, just look and see!" 

Then one at a time those bonds that we tied too tight ripped a seam. 

Before I fixed my eyes, all that we wanted but was too unsure, too afraid 

had fallen through our fingers way too fast and scattered away. 


Another sunny day. It always seemed that way this summer, and it made you happy, since it meant you and your friends could play around more and more everyday. You were coming back from getting ice cream again and Elizaveta and Gilbert were arguing over something... again. You just followed them and licked your ice cream cone. You were happy to treat them to such fun things, and you were sure they were happy too. 

For some teasing motion, Elizaveta pushed Gilbert's shoulder, causing him to drop his ice cream. 

"I'm sorry... I'll buy you anot-!" She wasn't able to finish her sentence because Gilbert pushed her back much harder, causing hers to drop to the ground as well. She stared at it for a second, then retaliated. They suddenly got into a push-fight, which was more violent then usual. Elizaveta didn't even try to use her frying pan. She was simply using her fists now. As well as Gilbert. Unsure of what to do, you watched the fight ensue. You'd never seen a fight, and never been involved in one or involved in breaking up a real one. They pushed back and forth at each other until Elizaveta was almost in the street. She made her way back onto the sidewalk, only for Gilbert to push her again, and this time, the keychain that was hanging onto her bag had fallen broken off. 

Reboot [Dead Reader X Human Prussia X Human Hungary]Where stories live. Discover now