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February 28, 2018
Location: Sofitel hotel , NYC
Time: 8am
Quavo's POV
"Baby breathe..breathe.." I say trying to calm Dia down.

She had woke up with the urge to throw up and the sound was loud enough to wake me up out of my sleep.

"Babe.." She cries before having the urge to throw up more.

I pull her hair into one hand before grabbing my phone out my pocket.I had never been in this situation before so I didn't know who to call but her mom.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Sweets is throwing up like uncontrollably I don't— I don't know what to do.." I stutter helping D off her knees sitting her on the sink.

"What do you mean Qua? What happened?" She asks panicking.

"We don't know she just woke up and was just throwing up like crazy," I explain before rushing to find a wash cloth or a towel to clean Diamonte's mouth.

"Take her to urgent care or the emergency room, let me know what they say if it's anything serious let me know I'll take the next flight out there with her dad."

"Okay okay," I say hanging up the phone.

"Baby my stomach hurts soooo bad!" She whines.

I turn on the shower with warm water and help her take off her clothes.Growing up, whenever you were sick a nice shower or bath with warm water and some soup would do the trick.

But, in Sweets' case..she had throw up on her clothes and I wasn't gonna let my girl show up at no hospital with stains on her.

"Here get in lemme go get the stuff together," I say hurrying out the bathroom into the bedroom getting her purse and phone and my stuff together.

"Qua!" She shouts.

"Coming!" I rush back into the bathroom seeing her looking down at her feet covered in bloody water.

"Are you supposed to—."

"Nuh huh, my period isn't even supposed to come for another week and it's always on time..never early."

Now I knew we HAD to get to the hospital something was definitely wrong with her.

When we got there, she got checked in immediately and we were getting seen in no time with was helping to relieve the stress from the both of us.

"What's that for?" I ask the doctor as he wheels in one of those machines they use for pregnant women.

"Well from our results, you.. Diamonté seem to have internal problems.. abdominal problems and this is basically a stick.. with a camera to see if we can get any type of data or anything," He explains getting out a stick looking thing, "Now I want you to lift your legs for me and...right there yeah."

I watch as he lifts up her legs and inserts the camera inside instantly making her squint her eyes in pain reaching for my hand.

"Did you know the two of you were pregnant?" He asks making us both look at each other.

"What?" D's eyes widen before being filled with tears.

"You're about a week along already but because of this internal bleeding.. I'm sorry to say you've suffered a miscarriage."

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