Chapter 1

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Taehyung's POV

"I just..I don't understand why I constantly get hurt by every guy I date. I thought he actually loved me, but he..he just wanted me for my body. When I refused to give it to him he.."
     "Shhh...I know Hyung. He didn't deserve you anyway. If he didn't love you for you, he never loved you in that first place.
He doesn't even deserve your love." I say to Jin softly.

     He's crying over yet another breakup. I don't understand why guys always break up with him.
He's the most beautiful person I've ever met. He's caring, smart, loving, sensitive. His smile could light up a room.
Anyone who would dare break his heart, is heartless and has no idea who I am.
I break guys faces who break my Hyung's heart. He deserves all the love and care in the world and anyone who makes him feel like he deserves less, can drop dead.

     As we sit on the couch, him cuddled up next to me crying, all I can think about is how much better I can treat him.
     How much better I can give him the love he deserves. How much better I can give him the world because he deserves it.
     "Taehyung?" He says. "Yes Hyung?" I say softly.
     "Can..can I stay here tonight?" He asks. "Of course you can. You can have my bed. I'll stay on the couch." I say.
     "No. Don't sleep on the couch. I'll sleep here and you can sleep in your room." He says.
     I chuckle and carry him bridal style to my room.
I place him in my bed under the blankets gently.
I climb into bed next to him. I open my arms and he moves over to cuddle with me.
"Thank you Tae. I really appreciate you always being here for me." He says.
"You're welcome Hyung. I'll always be here for you whenever you need me." I say with a smile.
He yawns cutely and says, "Good night Tae." I say goodnight as well and we both fall asleep.

I swear I'll kill the bastard that broke his heart.

The next morning

Taehyung's POV

     I wake up the next morning to my bed empty.
     I quickly get up and walk out of my room. I hear humming coming from the kitchen and instantly know that it's Jin.
     He has the most beautiful voice that I would recognize anywhere.
     When I walk into the kitchen, Jin is cooking, like he always does when he comes over.
     He turns around and looks at me and shows me his beautiful smile.
     "Good morning Taehyungie! I'm making breakfast for the two of us. And don't worry, I'll wash every dish I use." He says.
      "Oh, and Taehyung?" "Yes Jinnie-hyung?" "You're only in boxers."
     I look down to see that I am, in fact, just in my boxers.
     "Well shit." I say, going back to my room and throwing on a pair of black sweatpants.
     I can't help but to smile at the faint blush that Jin had on his cheeks when he said that.
     I want to make him that flustered everyday. When I get back into the kitchen, he's plating the food and putting it on the table.
"Hey, hyung?" "Yes Tae?" "What was the guys's name that broke up with you again?" He pauses when I ask him this.
I can see his eyes tear up and I instantly regret asking the question.
"Hyung..I'm sorry." I say, walking over to wrap my arms around him.
"It's okay. His name is Baekhyun." He says, wiping his eyes.
     I'll make sure that fucker never sees the light of day again.
     "Have you told Namjoon-hyung yet?" I ask. Namjoon is Jin's brother.
     Jin's older brother to be exact. He knows it's wrong, but he's been crushing on his dongsaeng for years.
     I can't blame him. Jin looks so innocent and sweet that it makes anyone want to strip him of his innocence.
     Even his own brother! Namjoon is like a brother to me being that I'm an only child.
     He knows about my feelings for Jin and fully accepts the fact that I'll stop at nothing to have him.
    "N-no. I haven't told him yet. I'll go back home after we eat and tell him then." Jin says.
     I nod my head and the two of us sit down at the table and begin eating.

     Once we're done, Jin takes the dishes to the sink and washes them.
     I run to my room and throw on a white T-shirt and a black jacket.
     "Jin-hyung, do you need a change of clothes?" I ask once I get back in the kitchen.
     "No, I'll just change when I get home." He says, finishing up the dishes and putting them away.
     Once he's done with the dishes, I grab my car keys, phone, wallet, and anything else I decide I need before turning off all the lights and walking outside.
     I open the door for Jin and he smiles and gets in.
     Once he's in, I close the door and get in on the drivers side and drive to Namjoon's house.

"I'm gonna kick his ass." Namjoon says, standing from the couch.
"Hyung, you don't have to do that. I'll be over him in no time." Jin says, grabbing Namjoon's arm to keep him calm.
"This better be the last time you let yourself get hurt by a guy that doesn't deserve you Jinnie." Namjoon says.
"It seems that...every guy I go out with always ends up hurting me." Jin says, tearing up.
"I know a guy that could treat you better than you know, but I want you to figure out who it is yourself." Namjoon says.
"Jin-hyungie!" Jungkook says, running down the stairs and tackling Jin.
Jungkook is Jin and Namjoon's adopted brother.
Their parents adopted him, before they died, when he was still a baby so he's gotten really attached to the two of them.
By the two of them I mean Jin. Jungkook is always stuck to Jin which makes it hard for me to have alone time with him.
"Hi Jungkookie!" Jin giggles. "Where were you last night Hyung? I went to your room last night so we could sleep together, but you weren't there." Jungkook says.
He looks up at me and turns from the cute bunny he is towards Jin, to the intimidating boy he is whenever he sees me.
"You. He was with you, wasn't he?" Jungkook asks.
"Yah! Don't get angry at him. He was comforting me because I was as sad about my breakup." Jin says.
"I knew Baekhyun would hurt you Hyung! You didn't listen to me." Jungkook says.
"Kook. Get off of Jin please." Namjoon says. Jungkook sighs and gets up, holding out his hand for Jin.
Jin takes it and Jungkook pulls him up. He pulls him up so quickly that he slams into Jungkook's chest.
Jin is shorter than all of us which I love because he's the perfect height for me.
I snap out of my thoughts of how perfect Jin is when I see Jungkook place his hand on Jin's waist and pull him closer.
He always does things like that to get me pissed off because I can never get the courage to do that with Jin.
"J-Jungkook, what are you doing?" Jin asks, placing his hands on Jungkook's chest.
I don't know what comes over me, but in a split second, I pull Jin away from Jungkook and get the two of us in the same position they were in.

Then, I do what I've wanted to do for a very long time.

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