Chapter 4

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                        ~The next day~

Jin's POV

"Kookie, it's time for you to wake up. You have school." I whisper to Jungkook who's asleep in my bed.
     I got up a bit earlier to cook breakfast which was very difficult to do since Jungkook had his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.
     "Mmm...I don't want to hyung. Come back to bed with me." Jungkook says tiredly.
     "Kim Jungkook, you better wake up right now and get ready for school or we won't be taking a bath together tonight." As soon as I say this, Jungkook sits up and runs out of my room to his own.
I should have been using that against him.
I smile to myself as I walk downstairs. When I walk into the kitchen, I see a sleepy Namjoon at the table.
"Good morning Namjoon-hyung." I say as I make a plate for him and place it on the table.
"Mmm.." he mumbles. "Yah. Wake up and eat. Yoongi-hyung said he was coming by to get you so the two of you can work more on your work project."
He groans and sits up. "You shouldn't fall asleep at the table in your suit hyung. You're such a child sometimes." Jungkook says, coming into the kitchen.
     I make his plate and set it on the table along with a glass of banana milk for him.
     He's always loved banana milk so I make sure there's always some for him in the fridge.
     Once my two brothers are eating, I go upstairs to my room to get dressed for my date.
     Yes, I have a date. With who? You'll find out soon. Do my brothers know? Of course not.
     I go into my walk-in closet and take out a pink hoodie, blue jean short shorts, and my pink vans.
     Don't judge me. Pink is my favorite color. I even dyed my hair pink back when I was in high school. I dyed it black the day before I graduated though.
     Once I'm dressed, I go into my bathroom and fix my hair and put on a little makeup just to hide how tired I look. (I have never put on makeup before so I don't know if it helps with not looking tired XD)
     "Why are you putting on makeup hyung?" Jungkook asks me.
     I jump hearing his voice. "I..Is there something wrong with me putting on makeup?"
     "No, not at all. You look better without it though." Jungkook says.
     "Aww thank you Jungkookie. Go get your book bag and everything you need for school. Taehyung is going to take you." I say, going back to doing my makeup.
     He groans and walks into his room mumbling, "Stupid Taehyung."

     Once Jungkook and I are ready, I get a text from Taehyung letting me know he's outside.
     "Are you going somewhere today hyung?" Jungkook asks.
     "That's none of your business. Now go outside. Taehyung is waiting." I say, ruffling his hair and pushing him outside.
     "Namjoon-hyung! Jungkook and I are leaving!" I yell so Namjoon can hear me.
     "Alright. Be safe you two. Text me when you drop Jungkook off and when you get back here, yeah?" Namjoon says, walking towards me and bringing me in for a hug.
     "Of course hyung. Bye!" I say, getting out of his hold and walking out of the house.
     "Good morning Jin-hyung." Taehyung says, looking me up and down.
     "You look great. You didn't need the makeup though." Taehyung says, holding his hand out for me to take.
     I place my hand in his gently and blush as he pulls me towards his car.
     "Yah! Get your hands off of my Jin-hyung." Jungkook says.
     "Shut up and get in the car Kook." Taehyung says as he opens the door for me and helps me get in.
     He closes my door and walks over to get into the drivers seat and starts the car.
     Jungkook pulls out his phone and buckles his seat belt and I do the same.
     "Ready?" Taehyung asks. I nod and Jungkook nods also as Taehyung pulls out of the driveway and drives to Jungkook's school.

     When we arrive at Jungkook's school, his two friends, Hoseok and Jimin, were waiting for him.
     "Bye Kookie! Have a nice day at school!" I say to Jungkook while smiling as he hugs me tightly before walking into the school with his friends.

Taehyung's POV

                  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

     Why the hell did I ask Jin on this date? God I think my heart might explode.
He looks so beautiful today, like he does any other day.
He's always been beautiful. No one can convince me that he's anything less.
I clear my throat as I drive to the park I decided to take Jin on our date.
Just a little walk, nothing too big. I brought some snacks with me since I know how Jin is about food.
"Taehyung-ah?" "Yes Hyung?" "Where are we going?" "I'm taking you to the park we used to go to when we were little. The park we met at."
Jin's face turns a bright shade of pink when I mention it's he park we met at.
I had been wanting to go back there with him for awhile now, but I could never gain the confidence to ask him out.
After having Yoongi almost choke me to death while constantly telling me to just ask Jin out already, I found my confidence.
When I pull into a parking space near the park, I notice that no one else is here.
Perfect. No distractions. I can have him to myself and finally tell him how I feel.
     I get out of the car and go to open the door for Jin. I hold my hand out for him to take and he hesitantly places his hand in mine.
     I smile and close the door for him. I lead the two of us to the swings and let Jin pick a swing first.
     "Oh, I remember everything so well. I remember when we used to play hide-and-seek with Namjoon and Yoongi-hyung and when Jungkook used to cry because he was too small to play with us back then. " Jin says with a beautiful smile on his face as he slowly swings his legs back and forth on the swing.
     I take a seat on the swing beside him and just admire how beautiful he looks in the sunlight.
     "Why are you staring at me like that TaeTae?" Oh god I love that nickname only from him.
     "I...I can't help but to look at you. You look so beautiful that I can't take my eyes off of you."
     Jin's eyes widen and his cheeks flush as he looks away from me.
     I chuckle and say, "I'm only telling the truth." Jin turns around and looks at me.
     "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen and you deserve to be told that you're beautiful ever day."
     I stand from the swing and walk in front of him. He stops swinging his legs and I crouch down between his legs.
     "I brought you tell you how I feel about you. I...I love you so much Kim Seokjin. I've loved you since the day I laid eyes on you; In this park when we were kids. I can't take seeing you go out with other guys and see them hurt you anymore. I can't take it Jin. Please..." I take his hands in mine and look up at him.

     "Please Jin. Let me show you how much I love you."

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