The Role We Play

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* Dennis Johnston *

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* Dennis Johnston *

Sweat was dripping down my body as I held my throat, and felt my chest heave up and down. My heart was beating arduously and at an irregular pace, visibly desperate for a sense of relief. I awoke in a jolt of panic as the screams rang in my ear like the bells at school, continuously and on a loop.

"Baby, it was just a dream," were the words I that I could barely hear over the obnoxious reverberating that was still in my ears.

I secured my hands over my ears and sealed my eyes to better block out the sounds that were trying to suffocate me again.

"No, no, no," I mumbled under my breath as an uncontrollable convulsing started up in the core of my body, and soon took me over, captivating me.

Two warm arms wrapped themselves around me and a gentle hum was also crowded into my over boarded eardrums. The melody had a sense of familiarity to it, but it was still drowned out by the other sounds capsizing it.

I wanted, no needed to focus on this song and the calming way it was presented to me. The shaking was slowly leaving me as the song climbed its way to the forefront of my mind.

My breathing was gradually returning to its normal tune as I fixated my attention on the melodious humming coming from the person next to me. The harmony engrossed me, swallowing me up into its dulcet nature. My mom used to sing this to me when I was younger and needed ease.

"Mom," I whispered as I gradually detached my hands from my ears and my top lash line to my bottom.

"I'm here, there is no need to be afraid," she said to me in her consoling voice that I was so accustomed to hearing by this juncture.

"I'm glad."

Maybe thirty minutes went by and I finally started to feel the normal amount of anxiety I eternally possess came back rather than the domineering one from beforehand.

"Mom I, I feel better. I can get up now. Where's Dennis?"

Then we were surrounded by an all-encompassing eerie quietness that brushed every inch of the walls. Words escaped me as I looked up and saw her peering down at me with an intent look that with it came layers.

If one could look behind the blank canvas, they might become open to a realm of damage, just look deeper.

My eyes turned away from her as I lifted myself against my headboard and I immediately knew where I needed to be.

Words couldn't escape my mouth as I peeled myself away from the warm, comforting arms of my mother and into the coldness of my house. I breathed in the cold air as I took steps towards one of the most important aspects of my life.

Standing in front of Denny's door, I felt fondled by the smooth wood of his door that had been painted some off-white color years before I was born. My fingers contacted the door, and I swung it open not even bothering to knock. He looked so different but familiar at the same time.

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