They've been overworking

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  I'm changing my writing style. 


Namjoon groaned, he rubbed his temples in frustration and sighed. He'd been like this for the past two months at best, it started after their last trip in America at the Grammys. You were beyond thrilled when they were asked to make an appearance, you'd always supported him and the boys careers. They worked so hard with everything they had in themselves, you just couldn't not be the best partner you could be to him. "Joonie, you haven't slept since yesterday morning. Please save this stuff and go to bed, at least nap." You begged, it was unhealthy. He knew it, you knew it, ARMY knew it.  "Fine, but please stay with me." He whispered, his voice was cracked and you could tell he needed someone to lift him up again. "I'll always stay with you baby." You reminded him and closed off your sentence with a sweet and innocent kiss.


Yoongi stored himself away in your shared recording studio, in was there that you found the room trashed with song lyrics and him curled into a tight ball. He was finally sleeping, just not in the was you wished. His eyes were closed, but puffy and his nose you loved to boop was swollen red from crying as well. You sighed, tears filled your eyes at how upset and defeated he looked. You quietly shuffled and laid beside him, pecking his shoulder covered by his loose black shirt. He shuddered in his sleep, rolling closer to you and holding you tightly. It warmed your heart that even in his sleep he wanted to be near you, you would tell when he woke up how much you loved him.


You sat on the couch with Hoseok's feet on your lap, you held the icepack to his sore ankles and rubbed his knee in a soothing way. His chest fell with heavy breaths and he still hadn't showered, you frowned at some of his bruises around his legs. "baby." You spoke quietly, knowing that he head a horrible headache. "Hmm?" He hummed, one hand had its fingers laced with yours and his rubbed his thumb against the top of your hand. "you need to apologize to Jimin." You told him, dance practice was tense for them lately; it'd become 23 hours in the studio and practice room. When Jimin forgot his steps he tumbled into Hoseok and they both went flying onto the ground, hence the bruises. "I know princess, I just need to rest a little bit longer." He replied, his face was covered with his arm but you knew his face was scrunched up in thought. "Regardless, he made a mistake. You got mad, but he still loves you and so does everyone else." You said to him, smiling at the squeeze he gave your hand.


Tae wasn't like himself, he stayed inside the studio all day and danced all throughout the night; only to end up back at the dorms. When he stayed out late he'd normally send you a 'love you' text or call. But he hadn't done one of those for the past few weeks, he was only coming over for his clothes and personal belongings. You thought you knew what was happening. "Taehyung." You said, entering the kitchen where he stood beside the oven on his phone. "Yeah?" He responded, he didn't bat an eye, he didn't look up or even realize you said his full name. "Are you cheating on me?" You asked him, tears were already falling down your cheeks by now and you tried to stop sobbing. This caught his attention. He put his phone in his pocket and walked towards you, grasping your smaller hands in his. "I love you, I love you more than what is healthy and I will continue to do so." He told you, his glassy eyes held it all. The disappointment that he led you to think such thoughts, the fact he'd been neglecting your relationship and that you looked so heartbroken about it all. "I know I've been busy, I'm stressed. But I'll make more time to be with you, I love you." He reminded you, cancelling all of your doubt. "I love you too." You repeated.


Jimin was working out more often now, and damn did you love the view of his sweaty body right after a workout. But you didn't love the cause, he became insecure again. Dieting was a problem of his you wanted to help him with, but you couldn't control his actions. So instead you just showed him how much you loved him, cooking meals you knew he'd eat, cuddling him and doing the things he wanted. You even stayed up late at night with him to make sure he had someone to talk to about it all. For now, all you could do was be there for him.


Jin didn't smile at your attempt to cook, instead he reached deep into the cupboard and took out cupped noodles. You frowned, looking at your stir fry. "Baby are you okay?" You softly asked him, you sat beside on your shared couch and rubbed his thigh. He only nodded and stared at his uncooked noodles. "They're giving me more lines." He whispered lowly, you beamed and kissed his cheek and cheered. That was great, you thought. "You'll do great, Jinnie." You promised. "I hope." He replied.


Jungkook groaned and stretched his sore limbs on your bed, while you smiled over at him. You were upset, that much was true but you put your emotions to the side and did what you could to make him feel better. "You need to eat now, what do you want?" You asked as softly as you could. He only groaned and pulled you closer to him, kissing your neck like he always did. "I just need to lay down a little longer." He mumbled. Your heart fluttered at the way he squished his face into your chest. "Tell me and I'll make it for after then." You replied, kissing him.

Sorry for how flipping long this tool, I didn't know how stressful exams would be lol.  Anyways, I'm going to be writing more often but if you want none Kpop related stuff, go to my other personal profile Harmonykirkey04 I have some really awesome (in my opinion) books I'm working on

I'm also going to be doing GOT7 reactions :)

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