Chapter 3: Hero's In Training

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It was a normal school day at U.A. till AllMight showed up in his hero suit as he was talk about their new training they will be doing today as their hero suits came out of the wall as suit cases and everyone went to the respected locker rooms as Y/n was getting dressed he over heard people talking about what he did last night

Kiriashima: "Hey have you heard about what happened last night?"

Denki: "No. What happened?"

Kirishima: "Apparently a new teenage hero wearing a spider costume showed up last night stopping a robbery."

Denki: "What did they ever find him?"

Kirishima: "No he left the scene after he stopped the robbers. I'll say though it was pretty impressive since one teenager took down a whole car filled with robbers."

Denki nodded as soon the guys had their costumes on and felt leaving Y/n the last on as he was still puting his costume on.


AllMight and everyone else was outside they look around as he noticed Y/n wasn't with them

AllMight: "Hm I wonder where is young Y/n at?"

He asked before everyone heard footsteps as it sounded like someone was running and as once the person came out people were shocked to see Y/n in his costume

He asked before everyone heard footsteps as it sounded like someone was running and as once the person came out people were shocked to see Y/n in his costume

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Y/n: "Sorry about that I'm late."

AllMight: "Ah Perfect timing Mr.Hardy now you'll be paired with Momo."

As Y/n turns his direction to see the girl named Momo which she was looking at him. As so they waited their turn as Y/n was watching the first match with Izuka and Uraka as Y/n was worried about her especially with all those injuries she had received during that fight. After a while Y/n and Momo were in their separate locations in the building as Y/n was crawling on the ceiling as something wasn't right as he went to one of the rooms to see the other team knocked out and Y/n instantly runs to Momo as he tried to warn her as all she can hear static

Momo: "Y/n I can't hear you."

Soon an explosion was about to happen as Y/n ran at her and used himself as a shield as the explosion happened and once the smoke clear away Y/n gets up as his costume was completely torn even his mask was half way gone as he saw those same people from last night taking the fake bomb with them but before he can go after him his senses went off seeing bombs planted in the building as he picked up Momo as she blushed red and went to the other team and got them out to safety as almost everyone ran to them worried as Momo looks at Y/n as she waited till they can be alone as she looked at him up close with a serious expression

Soon an explosion was about to happen as Y/n ran at her and used himself as a shield as the explosion happened and once the smoke clear away Y/n gets up as his costume was completely torn even his mask was half way gone as he saw those same people...

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Momo: "How did you even know those bombs were there before even i can notice?"

Y/n: "It's complicated you see its my powers I have a special ability to sense danger before it even happens."

Momo: "Okay but.. why save me?"

Y/n: "Well i couldn't leave a pretty girl in danger by herself."

Momo soon began to blush red hearing that as she pressed her fingers together

Momo: "U-um w-well then do you want to hang out sometime in the weekend if thats okay?"

Y/n: "Yeah I don't mind. I'll be checking on Izuka so here's my number."

Y/n said as he gave Momo his number and soon left to the changing room to get into some clean clothes and head to the infirmary to check on Izuka as she was asleep on the bed

Y/n: "How is she?"

Recovery Girl: "She'll be okay she just need some rest in the meantime."

Momo's Pov

I was walking down the hallway to spend the rest of class in the classroom when I walked in I noticed Y/n's backpack left open showing his torn up costume.

Momo: "I-it wouldn't hurt to have a small peak would it?"

I asked myself as I took out his costume and noticed the fabric the costume was made of and saw his Journal as well so I picked it up and looked through the pages and soon saw the costume design he was making

I asked myself as I took out his costume and noticed the fabric the costume was made of and saw his Journal as well so I picked it up and looked through the pages and soon saw the costume design he was making

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Momo: "Maybe he'll like it if I made his new costume. But it might take me a while to think of a new stronger material for the suit."

Momo said to herself before putting the costume away and took a photo of his costume design before the rest of the class showed up but Y/n wasn't there

Hours later  (3rd Person)

Izuka was just waking up seeing it was dusk and as she looked to her side she see's Y/n asleep next to her laying his arms and head on the blanket as he sat on a chair

Izuka was just waking up seeing it was dusk and as she looked to her side she see's Y/n asleep next to her laying his arms and head on the blanket as he sat on a chair

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(Kinda like this)

Izuka was blushing looking at Y/n asleep as she slowly puts her hand on his hair and lightly strokes it before she can hear him move his head and she quickly moves her hand away as he was waking up and he looks at her wiping his mouth

Y/n: "Hey how do you feel Izuka?"

Izuka: "My arm still hurts a bit but I'll be fine."

Izuka said with a smile making Y/n smile as well. Time had passed by everyone was leaving to head home and Y/n was walking Izuka home as she didn't mind it she actually enjoyed having company to walk her home but as once they arrived she smiles at him

Izuka: "Thanks Y/n for walking me home."

Y/n: "Your welcome."

Y/n said with a smile but before he left he felt a kiss on his cheek causing him to blush as he was walking home

Y/n: "Best day ever."

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