Heather's P.O.V
Out of all the places I could be placed, and the General places me with Thorn. I despise the guy, he's so annoying. And I can't stand the accent.I'm currently at Westover Hall, and I've been here for a few months. An old friend, Grover Underwood, is here too, on the orders of Chiron. I've only had chance to speak to him in private once - Dr Thorn has eyes like a hawk.
During that conversation with Grover, he'd told me about two half bloods here. I already knew of course, the General had told me. But Grover had told me who they were. A brother and sister - Bianca and Nico di Angelo.
The Mist had been twisted, so the mortals think I'm the assistant of Dr Thorn, despite my age. I'm 14, and so is my twin, Perseus Jackson.
I was down the hall, outside the gym, where a dance was held. I was with Thorn and Ms Gottschalk (yes, I know, stupid name), and I looked sort of different from them. I was in black skinny jeans and a black T-shirt, with a grey hoodie over it. I was wearing navy converse trainers, and I had my dagger on me, disguised as a silver necklace, and my black hair was in a loose ponytail.
They were in military suits, with a red trim. Ms Gottschalk had a wispy mustache, and Thorn was cleanly shaven, which was a little topsy turvy to me. We all walked stiffly, and I felt as if a ruler was strapped tightly onto my back.
That's when I noticed something. Three kids, walking up to us, looking kind of lost. Two of them I recognized straight away, but the other seemed a little vague. The boy was my twin, Percy. And the blonde girl was Annabeth.
Judging from my previous encounter with Percy, the other girl was Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus.
"Well, what are you doing here?" Ms Gottschalk demanded.
"Um..." Percy started, and he looked at me in confusion. I gave a small, almost unnoticeable shrug, and luckily only Annabeth saw. "Ma'am we were just -"
But Percy was cut off, only by Nostril Flare Thorn.
"Ha!" Thorn snapped, and Percy jumped. "Visitors are not allowed at the dance! You shall be eee-jected!" Damn, I loath that French accent.
Then the Thalia stepped forward. She clicked her fingers, and I gave a small smirk.
"Oh, but we're not visitors, sir." Thalia said. "We go to school here. You remember: I'm Thalia. And this is Annabeth and Percy. We're in the eighth grade."
Dr Thorn narrowed his eyes, and I gave him a shrug. "Ms Gottschalk, do you know these students?" I put a hand on my hip, and raised a dark eyebrow at her. She hesitated, and blinked.
"I...yes sir, I believe I do, sir." She frowned at Thalia, Annabeth and Percy. "Annabeth. Thalia. Percy. What are you doing away from the gymnasium?"
"Obviously something dodgy. Kids rarely leave dances. Don't you agree, Thorn?" I stated with a smirk, raising an eyebrow at Nostril Flare Thorn.
"I do." Thorn said, an evil glint in his mismatched eyes. Then, Grover came.
"You made it! You-" He stopped short when he saw me, Thorn and Gottschalk. "Oh, Mrs Gottschalk. Dr Thorn! I, uh-"
"What do you mean, made it? Something your not telling us, Underwood?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"Yes, of course Assistant Heather. I just meant I'm so glad they made...the punch for the dance! The punch is great! And they made it!"
"Right..." I said, my eyebrows raised. Thorn glared at them, and Mrs Gottschalk looked like she was in a world of her own. Probably her and Thorn's future wedding.
"Yes, the punch is excellent. Now run along, all of you. You are not allowed to leave the gymnasium again!" She snapped. I smirked, and me and Thorn followed them inside.
"The general needs half bloods alive." I reminded him, as he eyed the di Angelo siblings hungrily.
"Have it your way, Jackson." He said, and when I looked around, he was gone. And so were the di Angelo kids. I face palmed. The guy is so thick! But I took this as my chance to sneak up to Thalia and Grover, who were the closest to me.
"Nice trick with the Mist." I complimented, and she frowned.
"I don't think it worked on Dr Thorn." I rolled my eyes.
"Thalia. He's a manticore." I told her. She nodded in a strong, bold way and looked around, presumably for Percy and Annabeth.
"If you made this punch, what's the main ingredient?" I asked loudly in a rasp voice, that didn't really belong to me. I was acting. At Westover, I was known as the scary Assistant, who could kill with looks. At least that's what the Mist disguised me as. Everyone who goes here, besides Grover, stutters when they speak to me. I can be really intimidating for a 14 year old.
I rolled my eyes and walked off. I went to Thorn, and he held the di Angelo kids captive. He was hidden in a corner, and I stood with the di Angelo siblings.
"Heather." Percy spat, holding Riptide firmly in his hand.
"Percy." I said in a cold, intimidating voice, clutching my dagger, Backstabber.
"Good to see you." He said in a rasp, sarcastic voice, glaring at me.
"The pleasure is all mine." I said with a smirk, my tone of voice not changing. He suddenly whirled around, and I saw him flinch. This has to look real, I reminded myself. He slashed with Riptide, when he realized there was nothing to hit.
A cold laugh echoed through the hall.
"Yes, Perseus Jackson. I know who you are. Ah, I see you've met my apprentice." Thorn said, and I stood by his side, glaring at my brother.
"Thank you for coming out of the gym. I hate middle-school dances." Thorn said, and I nodded in agreement.
He forced Percy and the di Angelo kids to be silent, excluding me, obviously.
"For the last time, Thorn, these half bloods are no use to us dead. The general needs them alive. Tell me, 'Dr' how are we supposed to get them to surrender if they're dead, huh? Use that sorry excuse for a brain and think for once!" I snapped, and he glared.

The Traitor {book 1}
ActionSet in the Titan's Curse and onwards. Heather Jackson is the twin sister of the famous Percy Jackson. She looks similar to him, but female with longer, thicker hair. But, Heather is claiming to be working for the General and Kronos, along with Luke...