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It was the day that I have been waiting for, the day I become a useful person, the day that I can be a hero, the day that I can put a bullet into a person's brain, the day that I 'lost' my friend, Beacon.

That day, I, Shafiq, Beacon, Mrmantap, and our leader Daigamerslayer got a call. The call is about a terrorist attack at Dust2.  As soon as the call ended, we immediately make some strategies about how to take down that F****g terrorist. After 5 minutes of discussing, we pack our equipment and go to action.

I(Rusher): I will go to long A whos are going with me?

Shafiq: I will.

Beacon: I gonna camp here. (Bombsite A) 

Daigamerslayer: I and Mrmantap will go to Bombsite B.

Mrmantap: Let's go.

At the long A, I and Shafiq were guarding the door at a corner. We were very silent. After a moment, we heard footsteps. The footsteps were getting closer, closer and closer and then BANG! One of the terrorists eats a bullet from my MKA1 and then POW! Shafiq hit the second at his stomach but he still standing, we shoot continuously at his torso and finally he died. 

At the Bombsite A, Beacon was crouching with his AWP waiting for his prey. 

At the Bombsite B, Daigamerslayer and Mrmantap had changed their location to the upper B tunnels, they sent intel to us "Sector clear." and we all reply"Roger that." 

At this moment, I and Shafiq had gone far to the mid to find the last 3 terrorists but as we want to go any further, we heard gunfire at the catwalk. We immediately went there and then suddenly we heard footsteps, we point our weapons at where the footsteps came from and then BANG! We were flashbanged by the  f###g terrorist! We tried our best to escape from them but then Tusk! My left arm had been shot! F***K! But fortunately, I manage to take cover but where is Shafiq? I take a look and then it was Shafiq! He was lying on the ground whining for help. I talk to myself" F**K this! "and then with all my courage, I took my lovely M4A1 and ran to Shafiq. As I ran to him, bullets were passing by like hellfire, fortunately, I didn't get shot. Thank god. Then, I shot one of them at the head again but two of his friend had run away. And then I turn to Shafiq, 

I(Rusher): Shafiq are you OK?

Shafiq: I had been shot did you see I'm OK?

I(Rusher): Yeah..?


I(Rusher): Hehe..sorry.

*The bomb has been planted

I(Rusher): OH SHIT! The bomb has been f****g planted.

Shafiq: Can you stop cursing? It's annoying me.

I(Rusher): Oh. Sorry.

Shafiq: Ok. Let us take that two down.

I(Rusher): Let's go.

We continue our way to the catwalk walking because we don't want them heard we were coming and then as we go up the staircase Tush!! A bullet hit the wall, I take a quick look, it was the enemy using Beacon's AWP! And then we go down the staircase and informed to Daigamerslayer and Mrmantap the enemies' position and about Beacon. We all are very sad for his loss but many lives will lose if we don't defuse the bomb. After some moments, we all are in position, Daigamerslayer and Mrmantap were at the pit(at long A), I at the Counter-Terrorist spawn and Shafiq was at the catwalk ready to engage.

Daigamerslayer: Ok. In the count of 3, Shafiq you throw the flashbang.

Shafiq: Roger that.

Daigamerslayer: Rusher,  you ready to engage.

I(Rusher): Roger that.

Daigamerslayer: Mrmantap you and I will wait till Shafiq throw the flashbang. After that, we'll engage.

Mrmantap: Roger that.

Daigamerslayer: Ok. 1...2...3...

Shafiq throw the flashbang and BANG! The enemies had been flashbanged and then we all engage and shoot the enemies like hell and after they died, Shafiq quickly went to the bomb to defuse it and then...

*The bomb has been defused

Daigamerslayer: GG

Mrmantap: Mantapkali(Steady)

I(Rusher): Nice one

Shafiq: Thanks, guys.

Beacon: GGWP

Shafiq: Wait.

Daigamerslayer, I(Rusher), Shafiq and Mrmantap: Beacon!?

Beacon: What?

I(Rusher): You're not dead?

Beacon: What?!

Beacon: Bullshit 

Daigamerslayer: How did you survive?

Mrmantap: Yeah, how did you survive?

Beacon: First, I heard gunshots from the catwalk. After that, I heard footsteps coming to the Bombsite A and then I saw the first guy but I missed, then they both shoot at me and hit my helmet but gratefully, I'm not dead. I was in conscious. 

Shafiq: Oh...Okay.

Beacon: What? Just okay?

Shafiq: Yeah. Why?

Beacon: You don't wanna ask me how I feel?

Shafiq: What? Did I have to?

Beacon: Yeah!

Shafiq: How do you feel?

Beacon: I'm good thanks.

I(Rusher): What the hell?

Mrmantap: Mantap kali

Daigamerslayer: What?


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