Chapter 7: Stranger's Package

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Mina POV

*ding dong*

I peek at the peep hole to see our body guard carrying a package struggling.

I open the door and let the body guard come in and let him place the box wherever he wants.

He placed the box and go ouside. I wasn't closing the door yet.

We stared at each other for seconds and I saw him blushing then he turns around and leave.

At the top of the box there is a letter. I open it and it said.

"Hey Mina. Try coming home will you? We are learning Chinese that I wasn't going to use. Help me with this, I'm begging you." ~Oniisan

Sending letters huh. Mom must have confiscated his phone again.

Wait. I am going to text Chaeng.

To 'Cub'
"Come to my dorm. Floor 14 Number 37. I need to ask you something. Please come"

Chaeyoung POV

We were talking and walking way to mall to buy our weekly needs when my phone ring.

Nobody should call for me to come since every member have go to shop to buy everything they needed too. Well except for Mina who has no interest in shopping.

I open my phone and I wasn't wrong.

From 'MMN'
"Come to my dorm. Floor 14 Number 37. I need to ask you something. Please come"

'Floor 14 number 37?'

I felt an avalanche in me. I stop my track and so did Tzuyu and Dahyun.

"Tzuyu what's the Floor and number of your dorm?" I ask

"Floor 14 number 38. Why?" she said right away.

"Nothing. Sorry guys. I need to go. My mom came. You two go now. BYE!!" I rush to the girl's building and press the floor 14.

Mina POV

*knock* *knock* *knock*

I open the door to saw Chaeyoung in bead of sweat. I didn't hesitate and wipe her sweats with my own handkerchief.

I always see my younger brother in Chaeyoung. He is adorable and he has the same height as Chaeng too.

But sadly he died. He has heart condition. We were in the province that time when my younger bother played to much and get tired. We tried sending him to the hospital but the hospital is far from my grandma's house. He is dying when we led him to hospital but the doctor announced him dead.

I felt Chaeyoung's breathe so I wake up to reality. I realize that I have been holding my hankerchief for a second like a statue.

I hand her my handkercheif and turn around.


Third Person POV

"I have a question, Chaeng" Mina said not wanting her to think about what just happen.

"Go on then" Chaeyoung said in low tone since she already know where they topic would start and end.

"The woman. I mean the person that is taller than you. What's her connection to Sana?" Mina ask full of curiosity.

"Tzuyu, you mean?" Chaeyoung look at Mina. Mina not knowing Tzuyu who she was, she nod her head unsurely. "She's Sana's ex gf" Chaeyoung added.

"Why did they broke up?" Mina ask.

"Why me? You can ask Sana or Momo" Chaeyoung reply turning around, ready to leave.

Mina hold Chaeyoung's hand and slowly turn her around.

"Just this time Chaeng. Don't leave just like Momo does." Mina said. She looks pathetic but she just don't care about what she look. She just need an answer. That's it.

But of course Chaeyoung having a crush on Mina, she easily gives up.

"Tz-tzuyu. S-she. Sana is the one who broke up first. I'm sorry Mina. I really do. But that's the only thing I can tell. Chaeyoung said really disappointed and leave Mina behind.

"Why do the all leave?" Mina ask herself with voice and laugh as if it was not a problem. "At least I have some clues"

Mina was about to close the door when again, there was a guard with box. Mina is sure that it was package too but this time, it wasn't for her but for the person who lives right infront of her door.

The guard rings the doorbell for the fifth time but no avail. That person is not on her own room.

The bodyguard looks behind him to saw Mina watching everything happening. The bodyguard become so flustered and runs away forgetting about the box.

Mina find that bodyguard adorable so she giggles. She is getting and getting more and more comfortable to that bodyguard so why not being friends with him.

Mina seeing that box sitting there was uncomfortable to her. She being herself, she pick the box worrying that someone might pick it up. She let that stranger's box inside her dorm leaving a sticky note in stranger's door saying.

"Your package has come. I am worried that some stranger might pick it up and you will not get it back so I keep it. Feel free to ring the doorbell infront your door and don't hesitate."

~Your worriedful neighbor, MMN~

Mina fixes the cable and play. It was 10:00 when her doorbell finally rings. Mina was sleepy and got bored from playing. She just force herself to play so she can stay up until that person get her box.

Mina switch the lights on. The light was just too bright and it dazzled her. She still force herself and open the door then her sleepy spirit leaves her.

"Y-you?!?" Mina said. Mina's heart drop. It was her, the answer.

"My package?" said the taller girl.

Mina get the box lying from the table and give the package that belong to the woman standing right infront of her.

The package was big and heavy though, Mina turns around giving the package to the owner. Now the other girl need to hug the box in order to get it but Mina was hugging it so tightly that if the other woman hug the box too, they could touch each other's chest.

Mina can't just put down the box since she know if she kneel down, the box would slip in her arms.

Taller woman can't have seconds to decide since she saw Mina struggling and the box is already slipping.

Instead, she lean closer letting Mina felt her chest. Mina leave her no choice. She grab the box's butt and slowly put it down.

Mina become so flustered that she felt her heart beating so fast than usual. Other girl of course was disappointed for what she had done.

She wasn't satisfied but she thinks that it was fine since she knew that this girl isn't ordinary. She was her ex's best friend.

Mina bring up her courage even though it is really awkward.

She knew the name hours ago but she, being horrible at remembering names, she forgot this person's name. So she ask her.

"What is your name?"

"Tzuyu" taller woman reply and extend her arm.

Mina doesn't do the same. Instead, she close the door, lean on it and sigh.

"Thats digusting" she said to herself.

Behind that door Mina was leaning on. There is a stuggling woman finding her way how to lift up the big and heavy box.

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