Chapter 14: Cold Cement

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Mina POV

"Class, you open your book on page 98" professor order.

I look at other students inside this room  and they do it right after. I didn't do anything. I heard his order but I just shrug. I want this class to end. Well as always.

I yawn as prof called me, wanting me to answer the question on white board.

"Easy peasy" I mumble and stand up on to answer it.

Tzuyu POV

It is not raining now. I felt disappointed. I don't know why but I want rain not to stop.

We were in the middle of lecturing. My eyelash getting heavy since I can't sleep comfortably yesterday.

I used to Mina unnie's warmth but when she don't sleep there, I felt alone and sad and confused.

~fast forward~
Mina POV

I planned to go to my home since my brother want me to. I didn't inform them since I want to surprize them.

I rode subways since I don't want to tell my driver that I will come home and I know my driver too well, he can't lie very well so I let myself to do my wants.

As I went home, maids are not in their usual place. They are not in the place that they were assigned.

I peek on the window to see the maid's face looking at something, worriedly.

I rush to the door to see the whole view and see what I want to see. No. I never want to see.

I saw my parents. Fighting. Again.

My heart beats very fast and very louder. My parents see me and so all the maids. I can't hold it in anymore. My blood is rushing from ny toe to my head.

I rush outside crying. My tears are blurring my vision. I stop, sit and cry when I am far enough. Why is it always like this? Why is this world so cruel.

Third Person POV

Even though Mina is still a kid, her parent always fought. Her grandma is the one who used to cover her eyes and ears and hugs her.

She recieves love from her grandma and maids but not from her own parent.

In every morning and day, she is so happy but at night, her world will turn upside down. She can't hear anything but the voices of her parents arguement.

Yes, she is wealthy, her parents has millions of money, but she is lacking millions of love too.

Everyone is evying her since they said that she is really wealthy and can buy anything she want. But Mina will think that "I wish I can buy what I need too"

She wishes that she can buy happiness in her own money and hands but it failed her. Everything failed her.

Her grandma die, leaving her behind to the world of arguement. Where one will create mistakes and say sorry and it will repeat again and again.

One day, Mina was in her own room asking her grand ma how is it felt like to die while hugging her picture when her parents come home, arguing. It was enough for her.

She will do the thing what she want since no one would stop her now. Not when her grandma died and it will never stop her.

This is what she want, to be happy and to be with her grandma, forever.

She hurriedly go down and grab the kitchen knife and point to her chest.

She raise the knife with her both hands and was going to stab herself when her father come.

Her father hold the knife tightly, she can't make it. Her father is more stronger than her. Seconds later her mom showed infront of her, crying and hug her tightly. It makes her weak but she didn't stop.

"I'm sorry, honey. I promise we will never fight again"

It makes her more weaker that she lost her own strength. She cries and let go to the knife. She want this love. She wish that it won't last. If she just knew that this is the only way her parent won't fight, she did it before.

Days have passed, her parents fulfill their promise and give the love that their daughter wanted. Her mother stop going to work as her father continued to work.

When Mina realize it and see it, now she wants to be independent. She want to live in her own and make a future for herself so she move to korea to learn and to live there.

Mina POV

And now, here I was, crying alone in the middle of the dark with no one to trust. and no one to have.

I should have known better right? Lies, Lies, Liar.

I walk in the middle of the night, in the middle of the road. When there is a SUV car honking from a fair distance with a high speed.

I close me eyes as the headlight was bright enough to hurt my eyes and blind my vision.

I felt my body getting thrown far away and being rolled above the cold cement. I felt parts of my body heating up.

I can still hear people whispering. Second by second people multiply. I felt sleepy, but I want to see the last moment of my life.

I want to shout and scream but nothing would come out through my mouth. I can hear the ambulance's siren and honks and people's footsteps coming closer and closer.

I look to the sky to see the moon with stars around it.

I felt a cold water from my hair coming out from my head.

This is it. This is how I am going to die. This is what it felt like. Is it unfair? I want this right? To die, but why do I felt like I am missing somebody. SOMEONE.

"Tzu..." All I can utter and blacked out.

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