Chapter 12: Under the lightning and loud thunder with you.

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Tzuyu POV

She picks the big rock, trying to open the locked gate by smashing the lock and it works!

"Mina-unnie! It says 'NO TRESPASSING'." I said when I read the sign.

"Don't worry, it's not that serious" She said and continue walking, not looking behind her and not waiting for me.

'All caps. Seems serious to me'

I just shrug and follow her inside. She switch the lights on she don't have any trouble finding the switch like we were just her own normal house.

"Mina-unnie, do you live here?" I ask.

"I want to" she reply in low tone.

I sit on the couch and she just continue walking.

"You know. I see flaw whenever I look at this mirror" she added pointing into the broken glass.

I nod and she turn around facing backwards to me and it is now my turn to ask her.

"In church. You were the one who answers me right?"

"Yes, I am"


"Mina unnie!" the kid shouted.

'I wish Mina know you but I am too afraid to tell her that I am lesbian.' Sana's voice echoed.


"I have seen you and heard your voice at the restroom in first time. I recognize your voice and the picture Sana showed me" I explain to her.

"I see" All she say.

"But you follow me through the woods!" Mina said and turn around with a shock expression.

"No! I just want to roam and get deeper through the woods that time when I see your shadow when I was about to leave. You were sleeping so I walk closer to look" I explain raising my both hands.

"Let's go back to the dorm before it gets rain heavier." She said changing topic and we both got out to that 'haunted' house

It is still raining heavily but it was relief that the thunder got softer and lighter now.

I am the one who drive since it was night and I am sure that we might get into an accident if I let her do so.

It was around 7:30 when we leave. The sun had completely set below the hill while the moon started to light up the road.

We got into our building and press the floor 14, where are room are placed.

As the evelator's door was opened we saw unnies infront of my room panicking.

"I see dahyun unnie has a hobby of picking the door" I said and we both laugh.

I look at her and see her gummy smile from person. Not in picture that Sana showed. I can't believe that she is this preety up close.

We walk closer to them as other unnies felt our presence. They all hug us as if we were both being lost for years.

~fast forward~

Unnies left Mina unnie and I alone after they ask us where we went and brings food.

They say that Mina unnie still needs my accompany so I gladly take my resposibilities.

She brings her own blanket and pillow so we don't have to share.

We were both quietly eating when she breaks the silence.

"I am sorry if they are that overly paranoid" Mina apologize.

"No. Don't be. I am getting used to it though." I said and smile looking at my food.

We finished eating and I clean the dishes. Mina unnie brings her cable and we play until midnight since we both know that tomorrow's schedule will be canceled due to the fact that the rain is still heavy.

I bring my pillow and was about to lay down at my sofa when I see Mina unnie's foot.

"What?" I ask.

"Let's sleep together at your bed" She plead, pouting.

"You said that if I get sick nobody would take care of you" I reasoned. She turn around looking like a disappointed penguin.

"Fine" I said, chuckling and she turn around with a wide smile. "But no hugging" I added.

"Sure" she excitedly said and she started pulling me to my bed.


We can't sleep. Yes, both of us. We just stared at the ceiling for a long time.


I felt that the blanket move. I look at it to see Mina unnie clenching her fist and closing her eyes tighly.


"argkk" she screamed and hug me tightly.

I didn't move. I can't. I was surprize from her squeal than the lightning itself. I didn't know that she is this fragile.


She hugs me tighter. I faced her and she completely hugs me.

I don't know what was happening. Why am I being like this?

Why do I felt like I don't want this to end? Why do I become selfish? Why do I want more lightning to strike?


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