Chapter 10- Will You Be?

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With my new plan to change Dylan, I got ready for school and did my hair up nice and put on a nice white sundress. My favorite of them all. It showed off all my curves in just the right places.

I slipped on the old belt around my waist and put on my gold sandals.  I did my make-up natural. I looked in the full length mirror before leaving my room, with my hair in curls and a gold headband, I looked so pretty.

I pull up to school next to Nikki's car where her and Mac are talking. I get out of my car and walk over to Nikki and Mac. A few minutes later Dylan pulls into the parking lot. parking next to me. He gets out and walks over to me and puts his hand around my shoulder. I push it off. I can't allow him to touch me, in order for my plan to work.

Nikki doesn't know about the plan so she gave me a weird look when I pushed his arm off of me. I mouthed to her "later". I turn around and head into the school to go to my locker before class. I hear footsteps behind me, know Dylan is following me. I don't turn around, I just continue walking forwards.

"Allison, whats wrong?" he asks me catching up and stooping in front of me thus halting me to a stop. I try to walk around him but he keeps moving with me. I try to push him out of my way but he stands tall.

"My problem is you, we have fun with each other, we made out a few times but your still a player. I'm done with this Dylan. Have fun being a player." I say. he stands there motionless and speechless. I take this opportunity to walk away.

Class goes by quickly and I stand up to leave when the bell rings. I make it to my next class and it just happens to be the one I have with Dylan today. I walk in and see everyone in their seats. I go and take my seat. the bell rings but Dylan is not in class. I don't care. His seat next to me remains empty for the whole class.


I walk into the lunch room with Nikki. and Mac. We go sit at our table. Nikki and I go get in line for food. I get some soup and Nikki just gets a water. That's strange.

"Nikki are you feeling okay, you only got a water." I ask when were walking back to our table to join Mac who is helping a girl named Olivia with a Pre-Calc problem.

"Yeah, I just have no appetite today." Nikki says sheepishly. Mac looks that we are back and leans oer and kisses Nikki on the cheek. He notices her water.

"Are you okay Babe? Wheres your food?" he asks her. She gives him a kiss back on the cheek and says.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just no appetite." she gives him a reassuring smile before taking a drink for her water. He looks at me and I shrug. He turns back to Olivia and finishes helping her. She walks away and looks at me.

"Where's Dylan, I haven't seen him since this morning." He asks me. I shrug.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him since this morning when I told him off." I tell him. I get a spit take from Nikki and Mac. Water and and bits of taco fly across the table.

"T-T-Told h-him o-off?" Mac asks. I nod in response.

I was about to respond when Mac and Nikki's eyes move over to the doors of the cafeteria. I turn to look. In walks Dylan. his eyes meeting mine for a split second before I turn around. Nikki is the first to speak.

"I thought you liked him Alli." she whispered to me.

"I do, but he will always be a player, so I told him off" I whispered back to her.

She looks up and says, "hey Dylan." I look up to see Dylan standing behind my chair.

"Hi, Nikki." He says in response. Dylan gives Mac the what up nod and he shrugs in response.

"I-I'm going to borrow Allison for a few minutes if you don't mind." I he tells Mac and Nik. He pulls me up and out of my chair and pulls me towards the doors leading outside. I see people sitting at the picnic tables and under the maple trees. Dylan pulls me around a corner and to the back doors of the school near the soccer field. He stops us and leans me against the wall with both hands on the wall next to me.

"Allison, I don't know what you heard saw, but I'm done playing girls, I like you so much that when your down I'm down. I know its soon and you want to take things slow but I love you Allison."

"Dylan, listen to me. I saw your phone and Ashley texted you. Who the fuck is Ashley and why is she asking to fuck? " I tell him sternly.

"Ashley wants in my pants, I have only made out with her once and I was drunk at a party with Mac, before your brother died and she put her number in my phone and I haven't texted her back before when she has texted me the same things over and over. I don't know her. I like you Allison and only you." he tells me truthfully. I know he is telling the truth because I can see if in his eyes.

I lean in and kiss him lightly on the lips.

He pulls back and I say."I'm sorry for telling you off this morning." After pressing another kiss to my lips Dylan pulls back and smiles the smile that makes me melt.

"Allison will be my girlfriend?" he asks me.

"Yes." is all I get out before getting scooped up into a hug. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull away and place y lips on his.

He presses me up against the wall kissing me hungrily. He licks my lip and I gladly open. he places his tongue into my mouth and I do to him.

After a few minutes. we pull away breathless. I look at him and smile.

"We should get back before the bell rings." He says grabbing my hand.

We walk into the school hand in hand and we get some nasty looks but we ignore them. We get back to our table with Mac and Nikki.

"So are you two finally together.?" Nikki asks. Dylan and I look at each other then back at Nikki and nod yes.

"About damn time." Mac and Nikki say together.

So I guess i didn't need to go through with my plan. I know have the most wonderful boyfriend ever.

But he will want more then making out, Am I ready for that?


Been a busy week. sorry for being slow on updating. I have Pre-Calc homework everyday. It takes some time. Bare with me. I do need to take this off of the Watty Awards. I won't finish it in time.

Please vote, comment. I would love so feedback.

Next Update: Soon as I can.

Hope you like it.


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