Chapter 4 - A New Battle Begins

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Error walked towards the castle of darkness, the skies show no sunshine, and the lands show no life whatsoever. He lets out a huff and approaches the terrifying castle, though he isn't fazed by it. Guards stare at him as he gets closer. He stops at the entrance to the castle, waiting. The guards look at each other before opening the door to let him through. Error doesn't hesitate and walks in. He looks around the at the walls and the decor as he makes his way to the meeting room.

Soon he reaches a door, arguing heard from inside.

Error opens the door, bringing attention to himself. Dust and Horror stand there, both look as if they were about to have a fist fight, but it was obviously interrupted by Errors arrival. Nightmare stands next to Killer, the two also staring at him.

All sit in silence staring at Error for a minute or two.

Finally, Error breaks the silence, "Geez I know I'm hot but you don't need to stare."

Dust and Horror glare at him, unamused. Nightmare and Killer only continue to stare, no emotion in their eyes.

Error goes and takes a seat at the table and looks at Nightmare. "So, I'm here now, what did you want me for?" Nightmare looks at Horror and Dust, both nod and take a seat as well, Killer also sits at the table. Nightmare goes to the chair at the end of the table and sits in it then looks at Error.

"It's a simple task...I have a plan and you play a part in it..."

"I ain't a pawn for your chess game...I'm not helping to capture your useless brother that I have no care for..."

Nightmare smiles, knowing he would say this. "I've heard you've been winning your little fights with Ink, and I correct?"

"Yes, but the little bastard always gets away." Nightmare begins to chuckle, surprising Error.

"The hells so funny...?!" He yells, obviously pissed at Nightmares suddenly laughter.

"Please forgive me...but I have a plan that will benefit us both...all you have to do is just be a good boy and listen...."

Error glares at him for a bit before softening his gaze. "Fine..."

Nightmares smile grows wider, hearing this. For that whole night, they discussed the plan...

Meanwhile, Ink woke up early like he does every morning. Seeing the blanket that covered him made him smile. He got up and went to make breakfast, knowing that Dream is usually hungry in the mornings. The smell, of course, woke up Dreaming and causing him to wander downstairs to the kitchen.

"I'm making eggs," Ink starts, cracking an egg into the frying pan. "They'll be ready in a bit!" Dream nods, smiling, and going into the living room, taking a seat on the couch to wait.

Once the fried eggs were done Ink pulls out some plates, that's when he felt an unpleasant feeling. He froze, dropping the two plates onto the ground, Shattering them. Dream, alarmed by the sudden noise, rushes into the kitchen, seeing Ink in his state.

"Ink!?" he yells in concern.

"Damn it...damn it all..." Ink mumbles, eyes blank but show anger. Dream goes over to Ink, worried and slightly confused.

"I-Is it Error...?" Dream stutters, looking up at Ink. The look Ink gives tells Dream what the answer is.

"What AU..!? I can help any way I can!"

"Underswap..." Dreams eyes widen in shock and worry. Blue...

Ink decides to waste no more time, and grabs his brush, heading towards the door. Dream snaps out of his thoughts and follows Ink. Seeing this, Ink turns to Dream, not wanting to risk Dreams life, he wants to try to convince Dream to stay.

"Dream, stay here-"

"Not a chance!!" Dream interrupts. "You're not changing my mind Ink...I'm going with you..."

Ink knew he wanted Dream to stay but at the moment there was no time to argue, so he sighs and opens a portal.

Both go through, ending up in the now dust filled Underswap. The two look around. Dream, who is horrified by the dust and the distant screams, tears begin forming. Ink, on the other hand, can't be scared or fearful for something he's seen a million times before. To him, it's part of his job.

They both walk through the snow of Snowden. Both didn't say a word, but they both knew who they were mostly looking for...Blue...

As they approached the center of Snowden, a few cries were heard. Dream looks around, trying to find where the screams were coming from. As he scans the area and sees someone, trapped under a fallen tree. Dream is quick to take action as he runs over to check the person. Ink looks around, feeling a presence he most certainly recognizes. Dream, no doubt, feels the presence as well.

Ink stares into the fog, that was created by the dust and wind in the air, as a figure begins to emerge from it. The air was tense as the figure revealed himself.

Error only grinned at Ink, seeing the serious look on his face and seeing Dreams scared expression.

The three stood there, knowing the battle ahead will be a dangerous one.

A Twisted Fate (Dream Sans + Nightmare Sans) [Temporary Discontinuing]Where stories live. Discover now