Chapter 6 - Hopeful Love

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Cross sat there in his dark prison, struggling against the chains that held him to the wall, though it was pointless. A dim light shines from down the hallway, leading Cross to infer that the door has been opened, and someone is walking through the hallway. Cross looks up as the footsteps draw closer. His eyes widen seeing Nightmare in front of him with the love of his life...Dream. Dream looks at Cross with wide, teary eyes. Cross growls, shooting a glare at Nightmare.

“I thought I told you to leave him alone…” He growls, Nightmare looks at him, unamused.

“You don't make the rules...but I'll be ‘nice’...”

Nightmare opens Cross cell door and tosses Dream inside, then shutting it once again.

“I'll give you 24 hours to spend with each better be thankful that I'm doing this…” Nightmare then locks the cell door and takes his leave, leaving the two in the dark.

Dream takes this opportunity and wraps his arms around Cross in a tight embrace. If Cross wasn't bounded to the wall, he would have hugged back.

“I knew you were still alive! No matter how many times people told me you were gone I always believed that they were wrong!” Dream sobbed, a cry filled with joy, but also with sadness. Cross let a few tears slide as he pecks the top of Dreams head with a small kiss.

“I wish I could hold you...but as you can see I um...can't really do that…”

“As long as I'm close to you...I'm happy…”

Cross smiles at Dream, he was glad to see him again, but Cross knows now that Dream is here Nightmare will possibly kill Cross. Nightmare only kept him to, one, torcher him, and two, possibly get info on Dreams location. Nightmare was never able to get Cross to give away where Dream was, and now that Dream has been found and captured, Nightmare has no use for him.

Cross wishes to hold Dream close, knowing he doesn't have much time left before Nightmare decides to get rid of him. But the chains keep him from his wish. Cross suddenly feels a power of determination flowing through him. He wants to protect Dreams from harm, he wants to keep him close… Cross pulls at the chains, trying to break them. Dream saw this and tried to help Cross. Soon the chains break off the wall, allowing Cross to tackle Dream in a large hug. He couldn't help but smile. Dream hugs back, smiling widely. The two didn't want to let go of each other, in fear that they would never see each other again. Cross then looks at Dream, lifting his chin, then kissing him. Dream blushes as he wraps his arms around Cross's neck as they share a passionate kiss.

The kiss has been what Cross craved through the hard months of their separation. The two separate and look into the eyes of each other with a burning love. Dream rests his head against Cross's chest, following the rhythm of his beating soul. Cross wraps his arms around him, holding Dream close to him, not wanting to let go of him. The two stay like that, both forgetting where they were and how they got there. To them, it didn't matter now, they were together again, and that's what's important. Cross kisses the top of Dreams head, continuing to hold him close.

“Cross…?” Dream mumbles in a tired voice, but though it was quiet, Cross could hear him clearly.

“Yes, my love…?” he answers, looking up at the ceiling, thinking.

“Will...we be able to get out of here….?” Dream looks up at him, wanting an answer. Cross thinks hard on the question.

“Yes...I think we will…and when we do...we can spend the rest of our days together…” Cross says, kissing Dreams cheek, causing the smaller to blush and smile slightly.

“You mean that…?”

“With all my life Dream...I do...we'll get out of here...find a place to live...we'll get married and maybe even start a family…” Cross pauses and gently grabs Dreams hands. “That is...if you would do that with me…?” Dream smiles and hugs him tightly, not wanting to let go. “Yes, of course.” He responds. The two smile at each other before cuddling close for warmth.

Killer, who is hiding behind the wall, listening into the conversation, stares blank at a wall. He then sighs peeking out, seeing that they are asleep.

“Oh, shouldn't make empty promises...You won't make it out of here alive...I know Nightmare won't let you off the hook for betraying us…you'll be breaking Dream small fragile heart…” He then begins the walk back to the door leading out, his thoughts continuing to pester him. ‘At least...the one he loves cares for him...and loves him back…'

He soon emerges from the dark cellars into the dim light of the castle. There, standing against the wall in all of his glory was Nightmare. Killer walks over, catching Nightmares attention.

“Where the hell were you…?” He asks, raising one eyebrow.

“Checking on Dream and Cross sir...Cross has broken through the chains but no other damage or attempt to escape has been made…”

Nightmare sighs and nods. “Your the only one I can trust to get a goddamn job done...I appreciate the report...but it was unnecessary…”

“Yes, apologies…”

Nightmare turns to walk away but then stops. “Hey Kills...mind if you get those guards outsides heads straight...they've been fighting all day and it's giving me a headache…”

Killer stands there, thinking for a moment before answering. “Yes, sir…”

“ back to me by 10:00…”

“Yes, sir…”

With that, Nightmare walks away, and Killer goes to head outside. His thoughts consuming his brain.

He doesn't need to love me back…'

Killer, blushes slightly as he stops to clear his mind.

As I'm close to him...I'm satisfied…

A Twisted Fate (Dream Sans + Nightmare Sans) [Temporary Discontinuing]Where stories live. Discover now