Part 2: Beholden- SAMPLE

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Chapter 1

Elias stared at the empty words that were written in bold black ink on the newspaper headline. ' Rage boiled in his demonic blood as he read the words over and over again. All lies, he whispered to himself as he crumbled the pages into his palms. He angrily sipped on his whiskey neat as black tears flowed effortlessly down his cheeks. Elias felt lost and tormented without Clara. Her perfect smile brightened his dark and twisted heart. He felt light glowing inside of him because of her. She made him feel almost human. Now, she was gone and taken to a world that he will never be able to enter. He will spend an eternity separated from her.

Elias clenched the golden key that was caressing his neck. This pendent was all that he had left of her and for some reason, he felt this undeniable urge to protect it with his life. He could feel Clara's warmth flowing from the chain and when he closed his eyes, he could smell her addictive lavender scent. Why did she have to save me? That foolish woman. She didn't deserve to die. That should have been me! His angry thoughts blasted in his mind as his fists blasted into the burgundy colored walls. The collision echoed throughout his empty mansion, causing a mini earthquake throughout his property.

"Brother?" Julian's voice questioned from the doorway of his den.

"Not now, Julian." Elias snarled as he chugged the rest of his whiskey.

"I just came to tell you that Clara's funeral will be Tuesday morning." Julian said as he kept his distance.

"How can you have a funeral without Clara's brother? Wouldn't that be suspicious." Elias snapped over his shoulder.

"It's not a public funeral. Only ones allowed to attend is Troy, Ashley, Quinn, Donna, and myself," Julian hesitated, "and I'm inviting you so that you may find some closure." Julian whispered as he slowly tiptoed closer into the den.

"Closure? I'm perfectly fine, brother." Elias chuckled as he hid his tears.

"You don't look fine," Julian sighed, "I know you cared for her, Elias, and I know she cared for you too. Please come." Julian pleaded as he gently placed his palm on Elias' shoulder.

"I'll think about it," Elias puffed as he slapped Julian's hand off of him, "Please leave." Elias demanded as he pour himself another glass. Julian nodded his head with understanding as his supersonic speed rushed him out of Elias' home.

Elias continued to pace in front of the fireplace as flashbacks from that dreadful night continued to replay in his mind. He couldn't break free from the images of her pain-filled eyes glaring at him as he held her limp body. He could still see her bright red blood that stained his hands. He wanted to bring her back to life, but how? Elias was trying to devise a plan. What if he offered his soul in place of Clara's? No... That wouldn't work. God didn't switch souls like Lucifer and plus, Elias was demonic. What good was his soul to God?

He clenched the golden charm in his hand more tightly, causing it to slice into his hand. Black blood began to flow onto the trinket as Elias felt overwhelmed with emotions. Suddenly, the key sent an electrical wave through his palm, shocking him to his knees. He quickly pulled the pendent off of his neck as he curled his knees to his chest. He glared at the key with distraught. Elias still didn't understand his new powers or the powers of the key. He was still unsure how Clara was able to give it to him. He was demonic. It was not every day that demons received an angelic charm.

His black eyes became lost in the pearls that decorated the ornament. He absorbed its beauty and embraced the warmth that it projected. He closed his teary eyes as he felt a sudden comfort. He imagined Clara's fragile arms holding him as he brushed back her beautiful wavy hair. There were so many things he wished he would have said to her. Why was he so selfish? Why was he so afraid? Like a fool, he waited until their death bed to declare his love for her. Even still, he did it silently not out loud for the whole world to hear. He wished he would have shouted those delicate three words. He wished he would have fought harder for her attention instead of sitting back and letting his brother wrongfully love her. Clara didn't use meaningless words to prove her love for him. She used her actions. She dodged in front of a stake for him. She died for him. What did he do? Telepathically tell her that he was in love with her? He was a coward. Clara's actions proved that she was perfect for him, but his actions proved that he was wrong for her. He had to let her go. He had to move on. Where ever Clara was, she was better off without him.

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