Twitter Group Chat ⇝ C/N/H/L/L/Z

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Niall 🐣, Harry 🌈,
Louis 🖕🏽, Liam 🤷🏻‍♂️, zayn

Cindy Kimberly 🦋
Alright, pussies it's time to man up and talk about your feelings

Louis 🖕🏽
So is this the part where we all sing kumbaya ?

Louis 🖕🏽
On a more serious note, you're such an airhead and this group chat is a stupid idea

Liam 🤷🏻‍♂️
Don't start Louis

Louis 🖕🏽
Bite me Payne

Louis 🖕🏽
And honestly we're all okay

Louis 🖕🏽
It's just that someone doesn't know when someone is being a good friend to them

Harry 🌈
Maybe that someone should tell that someone that they should mind mind their own business

Oh shit

Liam 🤷🏻‍♂️
Shut up Zayn, don't be an instigator

Don't talk to me, Payne

Niall 🐣
Cindy, I don't like this group chat

Niall 🐣
Everyone is being mean to each other

Cindy Kimberly 🦋
Guys we've been friends for so long, are we seriously going to let some guy ruin that?

Excuse me?

Some guy?

I didn't come here to get insulted by strangers

Louis 🖕🏽
Oh well isn't that just too fucking bad

Cindy Kimberly 🦋
I was honestly waiting for hedgehog to cuss

Cindy Kimberly 🦋
And I didn't mean to insult you

Cindy Kimberly 🦋
These little boys are my friends and I just don't like them to be fighting against each other

Niall 🐣
I'm not fighting

Niall 🐣
Louis + Liam, Louis + Harry and Liam + Zayn

Niall 🐣
Now they're fighting

Niall 🐣
Maybe Louis + Zayn but I don't know about that yet

Why is it such a big deal?

I already apologized to Harry and he accepted it

Louis 🖕🏽

Louis 🖕🏽

Louis 🖕🏽

Cindy Kimberly 🦋
Okay now I'm starting not to like this group chat either..

Liam 🤷🏻‍♂️
Zayn, you apologized Harry??

Liam 🤷🏻‍♂️
Why didn't you tell me??

Niall 🐣
Actually they told me that's why I thought everything was cool between all of us

Niall 🐣
And then that Tumblr incident happened and I knew I was wrong

Louis 🖕🏽

Liam 🤷🏻‍♂️

Harry 🌈
Well, Niall actually sits and listens and talks without being rude or giving out snarky comments

Agree ^

Louis 🖕🏽
So just because I speak the truth, I'm rude ??

Liam 🤷🏻‍♂️
I was actually rude for what I said and I apologize Zayn

Go shove that apology where the sun doesn't shine

Harry 🌈
I like when you tell me the truth Lou, I do but sometimes you can be so rude and you hurt my feelings

Louis 🖕🏽
I don't mean to but sometimes you just make me so angry when you don't listen to my warnings

This all started because of me so I'm just going to go, I'll catch up with you guys some other time

Harry 🌈
No, Zayn! Wait!

Harry 🌈
This is why no one wants to be our friends

Harry 🌈
I'm going to go too, see you guys later

Cindy Kimberly 🦋
That went somewhat okay

Niall 🐣
I think it went okay

Niall 🐣
Still some unresolved problems but nothing we can't resolve

Louis 🖕🏽
Fuck off all of you, I'm leaving

Liam 🤷🏻‍♂️
I'm leaving too

Niall 🐣
Cin, this will all blow over soon, don't worry about it

Cindy Kimberly 🦋
I hope so, see ya Ni

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