The First Fight

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We were walking. All carrying our light bags and heavy weapons. Flavian had heard that raids had occurred miles away from the Diakos castle on small villages and that some rebels were still camping around the area. I didn't ask where he obtained the information and quite frankly I didn't care.

We were bothering with this rebel camp in hope to gain more information on the famous Saerina Alvah whom I'd never even heard off.

Clio Mircea suddenly jogged to walk next to me, her curious, straight hair bouncing with every large step she took with her small feet. "Your father seems to really love you." I shot her an aggressive look until I realised she was being sarcastic. Her voice was just as intriguing as her brothers, again they were portrayed as exactly the same.

We were all either the same age, a year younger or a year older which I imagined the Angels thought would strengthen our bond. It wouldn't. The eldest to youngest was: Flavian, Pollux, Clio and Cyril, me then Judas. For once I wasn't the youngest in my family.

I attempted to relax my stiff features. She was just trying to be nice...probably. "Yes, well...I killed my mother. I wouldn't be loving if he killed someone I loved."


I nodded.

She shrugged, "Our mother died of a disease when we were thirteen."

I already knew. As a Lady, it was my duty to know rich family backgrounds. I know their father married straight after their mothers death to some mistress he had fathered bastards with even before the twins were born. Pollux and Judas still had both parents. Flavian's mother committed suicide, they said she was cursed by some witch that forced demons in her head to do terrible things. Flavian was two at the time; his father never married again, apparently he truly loved her.

Clio already knew about my mother which meant there was no need to go in depth about the topic.

We were far away from my castle, we had walked around a mile and the only thing keeping us moving was conversation. We were following worn out dirt tracks and every once in a while, horse drawn carriages passed us but payed no attention. I imagined they had better things to do then talk to a bunch of children. She sighed, "It's clear Leroy and Roark can't fight. But seem comfortable with that weapon."

"It's because I know how to use it." I looked at Judas who strayed closely but alone and then to Pollux who was attempting to get in on Cyril and Flavian's chat but unfortunately failed to squeeze a word in. "I'm better with a dagger." I dropped in quietly. She giggled,

"I heard about Oriol." Every Lord and Lady had heard how the little Lady Diakos killed a disabled Lord.

"I heard you chopped off his fingers and made him eat them." I turned to Pollux who had no luck with the boys and joined my other side. The boys, clearly intrigued began,

"No, she chopped off his other leg and let him bleed out." Cyril laughed which was only a deeper pitch to his sisters.

Flavian smirked, "Why would you do such a tedious thing?" Everyone apart from Judas were staring at me.

"He cheated. Cheating is treason. Treason is death." I mumbled blankly.

They knew about the ruined wedding and how the father of the bride demanded a fight for the Angels.

I ended the differentiating rumours, "I slit his throat right in front of his crying daughter who happens to be my sister-in-law. It's not something to laugh at."

"He was a good man." Suddenly everyone turned to the shaking voice. Judas Leroy was to the side of our long line and we all continued walking-him being a few steps ahead of us. He added fancifully, "Our families were close and you killed him savagely."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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