40. Lando Norris

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"Is That my Shirt?"

It's race weekend, and you've come to silverstone to support your best friend Lando ahead of his big race on his home turf.
Waking up, you glance at the clock and realise you are running late.
"Shoot! I'm late, I'm sooo late!" You speak to yourself, whilst rummaging through a messy suitcase, located next to one of the beds in the hotel room, in which you was sharing with Lando for the weekend.
"Ah come on! Where's my top, where is it"
Pulling out near enough the entire suitcase, you can't find your polo to wear in support of Lando, so you go to his bag on his bed and pull out the first top you see
"Perfect! Just like mine, it will do!"
Rushing to the bathroom, you take another glance at the time and realise you have no time for a shower, which isn't too bad because you had one before you went to sleep last night.
You shove your hair into a messy bun, and style lando's shirt with a pair of blue mom jeans, a nice belt and some sunglasses
Taking one more look at the time you really have to hurry if you was to see Lando before he starts his first practice run.
Slipping on your shoes, you then grab your phone and paddock pass and rush for the door, luckily the circuit is a short walk away from the hotel. you walk a bit quicker to ensure you get to see Lando.
You get to the Mclaren paddock and see Lando standing by the crew, who seem to be deep in conversation.
When Lando notices you he smiles, still in conversation with his crew. But he mouths you a "is that my shirt?" And you just shrug your shoulders and mouth back "oops"
He laughs a little, and starts to walk over, obviously finished with his previous conversation with the others.
"It looks good, don't worry" he says, pulling you in for a hug
"I couldn't find mine, I figured you wouldn't mind" you replied
"I don't mind at all, maybe you should wear mine more often" he said, walking over to his helmets, then turning around to face you again
Your cheeks were burning, was Lando flirting with you?
"Anyway, glad I got to see you before you go out there, good luck squidge" you said to him. Squidge is your nickname for lando, it was a childhood nickname, and years later it stuck and you still call him it to this day
"Thank you, I'm glad to have you here this weekend, it means a lot to me"
"No worries Lando, now I'm going to let you get into your gear and go to hospitality and watch your progress, good luck" you say, giving him a peck on the cheek and walking off.
Lando smiles and gets ready for practice.
After practice one and two, Lando manages a 5th place position, with practice three, qualifying and the race to go, Lando has held up really strong and has a good chance of a high start for the race.

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