30. Lando Norris

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Nothing beats the childhood nostalgia you get when you and lando arrive at the karting track. The smell of petrol and the screeching of tyres brings memories of when you first met as kids, the newbies to the academy. 15 years later, you never would have imagined that taking up karting would introduce you to a whole new world, a busy one that's for sure, but you wouldn't change it for the world.

Even though you gave up karting almost 7 years ago, you are proud of the accomplishments you achieved during those times. The biggest achievement however, was for lando, who new that your best friend now for 15 years would be the youngest driver in Formula 1! It was an amazing feeling being one to experience this lifestyle with your best friend.

"Hey, Y/N! You ready to race? Or are you too scared to be beaten by the one and only" lando said, bringing you back to the present.

"Oh I'm totally ready, strap in lando because we are going for a ride!"

You both line up at the start, awaiting the countdown to begin racing. With the green light now on, it's time to race!
Lando had a great start, gaining the lead pretty quick, but that's okay, you think, ita been 7 years since you was last in a kart, hes got the advantage.
However, by the 5th lap, you are right on landos tail, pushing the pressure on him and making him make a few mistakes.
That's when you find some speed on a straight on the track, and catch him out before the turn and break late, taking you in front.
The race carried on for another 6 laps, and you cross the line Victorious!

Stepping out the car, you rejoin lando.
"Guess you should be scared of me, the one and only" you winked, making lando chuckle and roll his eyes
"You just got lucky, any other day and I would have beaten you!" He exclaims, setting his helmet onto the table next to him.
"Even as kids, I still beat your ass!" You say to lando.
"Yeah yeah, but who's racing in formula one?" He said smugly, now making you roll your eyes.
You both carry on making small talk, reminiscing on old times at the track, until you reach landos car.
"Food?" You say
"Yes please, am starving" lando says, climbing in the drivers seat of his brightly coloured mclaren, courtesy of the team of course.

Wow... it's been so long! But OMG an update!!
I've been m.i.a for so long, but I've started a new job and just not had a lot of time to myself for a while! But I'm all settled and managing my time more, so expect more updates woooo!!
Anyways, I think I'm gonna do like a part 2 to this, I enjoyed writing this first part that I want to do a 2nd!
So yeah, that's coming, and I'm gonna open up requests again.
I'm sorry if you made requests a while back and I havent done them, I've lost the records of whom and what! So just send me a message and request again♡ .

Thanks ♡
- Britt

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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