39. Charles Leclerc

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"You Look like You need a Hug"

Rushing towards the paddock, you can't help but feel sorry for your boyfriend charles, but at the same you feel just as proud for his 3rd place finish.
He was in first, for most of the race, until his car started to lose power and he dropped two positions. You was certain it was gonna be his time and his first win, but the car had other plans for Charles.
You arrive back to the paddock, after seeing charles step up on the podium and walk off. You knew he was upset, and all you wanted to do was go to him and tell him you are just as proud of him.
You see charles standing and looking out the garage, walking up behind him you say
"You look like you need a hug"
Hearing you, he spins around and pulls you in for the tightest hug, trying not to let his emotions show too much he takes a deep breath in and pulls away to face you. The look on his face makes you frown, and he tilts his head down to look at the ground.
You place your fingers under his chin and lift his head up to look at you
"Charles, I couldn't be more proud of you and what you have achieved this weekend. This was something that was out of your control. You raced the best YOU could, and you did me, the team and everyone supporting you proud, that's all that matters right now. Don't beat yourself up over this okay? You did brilliant and you deserve to be happy" you spoke, looking into charles' eyes. He looked at you, tears starting to form, but he wouldn't let them fall. He smiled gently, placing his hand on your cheek
"I love you, you know that? Thank you, for being here, especially now. You are right, I raced the best I did, and now that means I'll race harder next time, and I'll make everybody proud again"
You smile at Charles, his grin still there too.
He pulls you in for another hug, placing his chin on your head
"I love you too" you say quietly into his chest.
Stepping back from the hug, Charles leans down and kisses you softly, and quick. Then places a kiss to your forehead
"Come on, let's go get some food" he says, grabbing your hand and you two both start walking away from the garage.
"Only if I get to choose!"

1 out of a few request from Killer_Elite_SquadX hope you enjoy ❤️

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