Chapter 1

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Peter stared up at the moldy ceiling of the dark and moldy closet he laid in. Why was he here, you may ask? Well, the orphanage he lived in was rather small. Not to mention filthy and old.

The woman who ran the orphanage, Ms. Medy, didn't care about the children. Hell, she hated them, especially Peter. Whenever she had the chance, she would beat the children, no matter how young they were. That is: until Peter showed up.

At the age of 10, Peter lost his Uncle Ben in a car crash. He then lost his Aunt May that same day, from a heart attack upon hearing the news. This left Peter all alone and sent to the orphanage by Child Services.

On his first day of the orphanage, Peter quickly learned of Ms. Medy's cruelty to the children. He began to defend the younger kids, shielding them and even taking the beatings for them. Eventually, Peter became her go-to punching bag.

Almost five years have passed since then. Now, here lied Peter on the closet floor that he used as his bedroom. Due to there not being enough room in the orphanage for everyone, Peter had volunteered to take the moldy closet in place of the others. Seeing as all the other kids ranged from 5 years to 11 years, he would rather not have them sleeping in here and get sick, so this was fine by him.

Peter's POV

Laying on the ground of my dusty closet bedroom, I stared up at the ceiling. Waiting for my morning alarm to ring, I tried my bed not to scream out in excitement. Today was the day our school would be having a field trip to Oscorp! Not only that, but this Sunday is my fifteenth birthday and it was now Friday. Time just seemed to slow down in this dump of an orphanage. It's almost like turning 18 around here will never come.

Today's going to be amazing! Not even Flash could ruin it if we're going to Oscorp. I wonder if we'll be able to see some of the projects they're working on? Oh! I hope they-


I whirred my hand onto my phone, ending the alarm that read 4:30. Taking a deep breath, I stood up and began to change into a science pun shirt, jeans, and a baggy hoodie that I didn't bother to zip up. Exiting the closet, I entered the bedroom it belonged to. Dodging the bodies curled up on the floor of the small room, I made my way to the light-switch. Flipping it on, I heard groans and shuffling. I smiled and turned to face the boys who were all now hiding under their blankets.

"Get up and get ready for school while I wake up the girls." I said in the quietest voice I could manage, not wanting to wake up Ms. Medy, or Medusa as we called her.

The six of the oldest boys after me sat up and nodded groggily, though Robert Jr. and Jeremy lied back down after. The two Chris-es and Mark got to work on helping everyone else get up and get ready, starting with the two 11 year olds that were stubbornly curled up in their blankets.

I stifled a laugh as the older Tom decided to rip the blankets off them and the youngest of us all at age 5, Tom, belly flopped onto them.

As I looked at the girl's doorway across the hall, I held my breath. Tiptoeing across the hallway, I avoided any creaky floorboards before slipping my way through the door. Flipping the light switch on, a room littered with bundled up little girls came into view.

"Alright, ladies. Time to get up." I told them, though only a few bothered to stir.

"Give us one reason to get up." Scarlett mumbled. You're the oldest of the girls but you're grumbling like the 5 year olds. I sighed in defeat.

"I'm making pancakes~." I announced.

At this, every one of them began to get up and start folding their blankets to put them away. Hearing shuffling from the room across the hall, I smiled. Guess the same thing is happening over there. Letitia, Elizabeth, and Evangeline ran up to me and gave my legs a group hug in thanks while Gwyneth folded their blankets for them, seeing as they were still pretty young. I pat their heads before leaving for the kitchen.

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