Chapter 3

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3rd person

Strange kept a straight face as Fury began to speak. As happy as he was that Tony agreed to adoption, now was not the time.

"We believe that Oscorp has been trying to recreate the super soldier project from WWII." Fury states.

"As in the one Mr. Patriot, here, was part of?" Tony pointed to Captain America. Fury nodded while Steve groaned lightly in annoyance. Bucky places a hand on his shoulder as Fury continued.

"However, they are definitely not authorized to be able to do these experiments, so I want you all to go undercover and shut it down."

"Wait, all of us? Isnt that a bit excessive? I mean, there are two spies in the room who could easily sneak in and out unnoticed." Sam pointed to Natasha and Clint, who were now sitting next to him. Natasha remained silent, while Clint puffed up his chest, ever so slightly, in pride of his skills.

"We have received word that theres a possibility that Oscorp has ties to Hydra." Steve and Bucky tensed at the mention of the evil organization, but Fury paid them no mind. "If its true, then just sending the two of you would be too risky in an ambush."

"Theres also the fact that Oscorp might have some experiments on Gamma Radiation. I need to shut that down before they make another version of me in there." Bruce said, finally breaking his anxious silence. Everyone nodded in understanding before getting suited up into lab coats and tour guide uniforms.

"Alright, seeing as were undercover, we need fake names and badges to get in. Where do we get those?" Sam asked, unsure what to do. This was his first time being undercover in anything. He was used to aerial attacks that were meant to be perfectly timed, not...whatever this was.

"Don't worry, I've got that covered." Tony smirked, taking out a stack of ID badges from out of nowhere.

"Well okay then." Sam mumbled, taking the ID that had his image on it.

"How did you even get these done with our pictures in the time that youve been here?" Bucky questioned, examining his badge carefully. Tonys smirk grew bigger, moving along without answering him.

After everyone was handed a badge, they turned to Strange, who looked back at them with confusion.

"What?" He asked, unsure why he was being stared at.

"Well, this is an undercover mission. The Quinjet would be too obvious, so.."Clint hinted, trailing off at the end.

"You want me to teleport you all there." Strange concluded, returning to his previous neutral expression. Everyone nodded, except for Tony. In all honesty, Tony hates teleportation. After teleporting into space with a missile, the very idea made him nauseous. However, Tony eventually nods as well, seeing as this mission needed to be quick.

"Fine." Strange gives in. "But all of us suddenly appearing at once would bring major suspicion, so go one by one and I'll have everyone in a different part of the building."

Buckys POV

Stepping into the sparkly magic portal that Strange had made, I looked around my surroundings.

I was just outside the Oscorp building, standing beside a school bus for cover from hidden cameras. Nice. Now to just get inside.

Walking into the building, I tried my best to blend in, but that was proving to be a challenge with all the scientists running around everywhere. I sighed, turning my attention to the group of students by a glass display. This could work.

Grabbing a random clipboard, I silently merged into the group, pretending to take notes. A girl with her nose in a book seemed to notice me, but luckily didn't say anything. Who reads on a field trip?

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