Chapter 4

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Peters POV

After my little 'discussion' with Medusa, I trudged up the stairs, ignoring all the pain all over my body. Medusa was more brutal than usual. Must be because she was drinking again. I took a deep breath as I opened the door to the boys bedroom. It was empty and the closet door was closed.

Good. They listened.

"Hey, you can come out now." I called out to them softly, knowing they were scared of Medusa coming in and finding them.

Mark poked his head out of the door warily, relaxing when he saw me. Opening the door completely, they flooded out of the small closet.

I am honestly still surprised they all fit in there. I feel bad they had to go in there with all the moss and fungi, but the girls' closet doesn't have a lock. Maybe I can buy one with my next paycheck?

"A-Are you okay, Peter?" The older Tom stuttered, looking at me with tears eyes. I smiled and nodded.

"I'm alright. Nothing a good night's sleep won't fix." I told them.

"B-But you're b-bleeding." The younger Tom cried, clinging to the older Toms arm.

I took a look in the mirror across the room. They were right. Blood was trickling down my face from a large gash on my temple. Damn. So the bottle hit me after all. Sighing, I pulled out a piece of cloth from a cabinet and wiped away the blood.

"I'm alright. Its just a small boo-boo." I squatted down to Toms level and pat his head. Turning to the others, I smiled weakly. "I think its time for bed. Off you go. Get out your blankets and your pillows."

Walking to the doorway, I quietly cracked it open. Looking both ways through the hallway, I checked if Medusa was in sight. The coast was clear. Opening the door, I led the girls to their room across the hall to make sure they weren't bothered by Ms. Medy.

"Goodnight, girls." I told them after everyone had settled into their sleeping places. I received a few sleepy good-nights in response though many had already began to snooze away. Flipping the light switch off, I left their room and went across the hall to the boys room.

Once I was inside, I closed the door and looked around. Everyone had fallen asleep, so I turned the light off. Dodging their bodies, I made my way into my closet. As soon as I was in there, I closed the door and flopped onto the pile of scrapped and unusable cloth I called my bed.

Laying on my back, I stared up at the ceiling. Reflecting on the day, I felt a wave of sadness crash over me. So much for having a good day Sighing, I sat up and took out the handkerchief-wrapped spider. Putting it into a small shoebox I had beside the bed, I scanned the rest of my possessions in the box.

A sketchbook lied at the bottom, collecting dust. A few pictures of the children and I were scattered throughout the box. Finally, there was my birth certificate. I didn't trust Medusa to allow me to leave on my 18th birthday, claiming I wasn't 18 yet so I could be her punching bag even longer. In the end, I snuck into her office a year ago and stole it out of her files. Now, here sat the dead spider, its legs sticking up into the air in its frozen and lifeless state. The red markings practically glowed in the dark of the closet.

I closed the box and put it back into it previous spot beside the bed. Lying on my stomach, I groaned quietly at the pain in my body. It was all over me. There was even a strange pain from inside me, burning my blood. However, I ignored that pain easily. Growing up here, I had gained an insanely high pain tolerance. Don't get me wrong, this hurt like hell, but I wouldn't be screaming in pain anytime soon from this.

Drifting off to sleep, I ignored all the pain in my body and allowed my eyelids to shut.

Tony's POV

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