6) What Happened to You?

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*All Might's point of view*
I began walking towards the alley way the kids claimed to see Midoriya to see that a crime scene was set up there. He did this didn't he. What did the villains do to him to make him like this. I peered down the alley to see blood on the wall and a dead man being taken away on a stretcher. I began to walk around when I heard crying. I began to run towards the sound in my strong form to see familiar green hair peaking out from under the hood. "Midoriya..?" I asked hoping it wasn't him. The kid wiped his eyes and looked at me. It was definitely Midoriya but the look wasn't him. He had a crazed look in his eyes and a crooked grin on his face. "The one and only," he said keeping the grin on his face. I made a mental note of the scars on his arms that Todoroki told me about. He came at me with a knife and I barely dodged him. I grabbed his arm and forced him to the ground. He began laughing. "Wow putting up a fight!" He exclaimed. "What did the villains do to you?" I asked. "Made me realize the truth," he replied his grin gone. Suddenly he slashed me with a knife and I let go. He ran off and yelled that this isn't the last time I'll see of him and that he will kill me next time I see him. My successor turned into a villain who wants me dead. I couldn't believe it. I left back to U.A to tell Principal Nezu.
*with the league*
*no ones point of view*
Midoriya walked in when Shigaraki interrupted him.  "Did you kill 5 people?" He asked already annoyed.  "No I only killed one I-," Midoriya started when Shigaraki started yelling.  "Stupid child you can't do anything right!"  "Let the kid finish what he was saying" Kurogiri said.  "Fine," Shigaraki agreed.  "I was saying that I met up with my friends and my old pal All Might," Midoriya finished.  "And you killed them right?" Shigaraki asked getting excited.  "No but I hurt them," Midoriya stated, "it wasn't the time to kill them."  "Ugh I knew you were useless!" Shigaraki screamed while he dragged Midoriya to a room while he tortured him.  Midoriya apologized multiple times but it did nothing.  As soon as he walked out he went to kill the other 4 people.  Once he came back Shigaraki began to yell at him for not getting the job done right the first time.
*with All Might*
*no ones point of view*
All Might when back to U.A with the cut on his arm and went to find Nezu.  Once he did he told him everything.  About the kids finding Midoriya, and about the crying which let to the fight and the cut on his arm, but most of all about how during the fight he attached a tracking device to Izuku without him noticing.

Authors note: sorry about this one being so short, I'm hoping that the next one will be longer. (I don't plan the chapters I just go along with what I had in the last chapter oof.). Have a nice day!

Word count: 505

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