Ending 1) If we can't Have Him Then no one can

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*no ones point of view*
Everyone was stunned at the villains attacking and looked at Izuku. "I didn't plan this I promise!" He tried to reassure them. "Nope but we came to get him back," Shigaraki said with an evil grin. Aizawa and All Might got ready to fight and told the kids to get back. "I'm not going with you!" Izuku suddenly yelled. "What did you just say?" Shigaraki asked stunned. The other kids looked studded as well but happy. "I said I'm not going with you! The hero's treat me a lot better then you!" Izuku yelled at him. Shigaraki began to run towards him, anger in his eyes when All Might got in his way. "If we can't have him then no one can!" Shigaraki yelled when a Nomu suddenly swept down and picked up Izuku. Todoroki, Iida, Uraraka, and Bakugou tried to stop it but the Nomu was a lot faster then them. It dug it's claws into him causing him to cough up blood. The Nomu suddenly dropped him and Izuku landed on the ground, blood quickly surrounding his body. "MIDORIYA!!" Todoroki yelled and sprinted towards him when Shigaraki put all five of his fingers around Izuku's neck causing it to disintegrate. Izuku cried out in pain which caused Todoroki to run faster but he wasn't fast enough. Other villains were fighting the hero's and the kids when Toga came around and stabbed Izuku in the neck with her knife. Izuku took his final breath before collapsing onto the ground. Shigaraki met Todoroki's eyes and could see the pain inside of them and grinned. He called all the villains and they went through the portal Kurogiri made, leaving Izuku's dead body. After they left, Bakugou, Todoroki, Uraraka, and Iida ran over to him and made sure he was dead. Uraraka began to cry when they were for sure he was dead. Iida called 911 while Aizawa ordered all the kids inside. After the doctors took Izuku to the hospital, the school day was cut short. All the kids went home while Bakugou told Inko about Izuku which she did not take well. Izuku's death made the news and a lot of kids were taken out of U.A. Todoroki was broken and didn't talk to anyone anymore after seeing that. Bakugou had a higher temper and didn't do as well in class. Iida had trouble paying attention in class and would have panic attacks once in a while. Uraraka barely talked and also had trouble paying attention in class. The league of villains were never caught and punished for it. All Might quit being a teacher after that and had trouble letting go of Izuku. Inko ended her life not long after the news and they put her grave right next to Izuku's. Life was never the same after his death. Who knew one kid could cause so much damage.
The End.

Authors note: wow that ending got dark but I liked it, tell me what you thought about it. This is ending 1/4. Have a nice day!

Word count: 486

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