Chapter 9

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Enstatite tore her way through the human village walls making her escape. The humans were learning more about gems, and the gemstone was the weak spot. Enstatite had two gemstones, one of Hessonite and one of Agate, so she had to keep the humans from kicking them too hard. No, there was no way they could actually hurt them, but a kick to the gem was incredibly uncomfortable. They also reported to the Crystal Gems about their missing companions, so they had to keep watch. Agate's side of Enstatite hoped they would be caught just so they could end this madness. Hessonite hoped they could get around what they do.
    Too focused on leaving they didn't notice a gem in their way. She was much smaller, but there was no doubt it was a powerful one. Strangely, she wore clothes that didn't show alliance to Homeworld or the Crystal Gems. She was not a friend, but not an enemy. It was then that Enstatite recognized her. Tiger Eye.
    Tiger Eye already had her scythe out and ready when Enstatite threw the humans to the ground and created a water barrier. Agate's side hoped Tiger Eye would win. Sure, they could both be shattered, which wouldn't be so good, but if Tiger Eye managed to beat them enough, they would unfuse, which would be great. The humans would be freed, as well. Traumatized, but free.
    Hessonites side just saw Tiger Eye as something in her way. Agate could feel her determination to deliver the humans and get her job done. She could feel her desire to leave this planet. Tiger Eye clearly saw them as a threat and attacked.
    Enstatite pulled water from the ground and focused on packing the molecules together, creating ice spikes. She hurled them at Tiger Eye, but wasn't fast enough. They were easily dodged.
    The fight continued for hours. Both fusion and loner were near the limit of retreating to their gemstones. Agate was fighting with all her might to slow down Enstatite to allow one final attack from Tiger Eye. If they could get hit just one more time, they would be too unstable to be a fusion. Agate knew she was crazy for wanting to lose, but it was for the greater good. It would spare the lives of four humans. It was worth it, even if it meant only one hour less of being this monster.
    When that hit finally came, she could feel Hessonite trying to keep them together, but she couldn't. They split and the water barrier containing the humans fell, allowing them to scramble away. There was no Enstatite, just Agate, Hessonite, and Tiger Eye.
    Tiger Eye blinked in recognition. She looked extremely confused as to why two gems she encountered, one hostile and one docile, were together like this. Hessonite stood, trying to keep herself from retreating to her gemstone. She glared daggers from an exhausted Agate to a confused Tiger Eye.
    "You stopped us. I tried to find a way to win this, but you had to step in! You had to start a fight!" Hessonite ranted. Before Tiger Eye could say or do anything, she turned to Agate, who was flopped on the ground. "And you! Slowing us down and refusing to help me defend ourselves, what were you thinking!?"
    "Mmmmmffph," Was all Agate could say through a faceful of dirt.
    Hessonite just walked away knowing she couldn't win in this state.
    Once she knew Hessonite was too far to hear, Agate lifted her head to speak to this loner. "Thank you..." she mumbled weakly.
    Tiger Eye looked like she didn't know how to respond to this. "...What did I do exactly...?"
    Agate inhaled, tightly clenching her fists in the ground. "I've been trapped in there. For fourteen hours."
    Tiger Eye looked disturbed. "...Oh."
    Tiger Eye looked alert when they heard footsteps. She summoned her scythe. "Who's there?"
    Agate groaned in pain. Everything hurt. "Probably more Crystal Gems. You can join us if-"
    With that, Tiger Eye took off running. She was long gone when Rose, Garnet, and Pearl showed up through the bushes.
Agate was waiting for Milky in their stargazing spot. Hessonite was supposed to be organizing battle plans and guarding the armory. Since she spoke with Garnet, Hessonite's been given more tasks to occupy her, especially at night.
    She's been waiting for hours when she felt someone head-lock her the same way Hessonite did. Instinctively, she hip-tossed whoever this clod was and wasn't surprised when it was the one gem she didn't want to see. She stared unimpressed. "You almost surprised me. Don't you have chores to do? At base? That has nothing to do with humans?"
    Hessonite stood and dusted herself off. "I do, but I decided to take a break. Besides, We have more important matters to discuss." Hessonite stepped closer.
    Agate backed away, contemplating if she should call for Milky or Garnet. "By important matters, you mean Enstatite."
    "Not Enstatite. Us."
    Agate flinched. "W-what do you mean? Enstatite is us. More of you, though." She looked behind herself, looking for an exit. The trees would make a larger gem like Hessonite slow down.
    "I mean why you're avoiding me and about that fight with that Tiger Eye. Why didn't you help us defend ourselves? You could have gotten us both shattered! Aren't we supposed to be friends?"
    Agate immediately turned and fled. She didn't look back and raced through the trees, knowing the human's lives depended on it. Her own sanity depended on it. She was about to reach the warp pad when hands like the claws of a panther curled around her shoulders and dragged her down. She struggled and attempted to use a water attack, but it missed entirely. She kicked when Hessonite dragged her across the ground, slammed her against a tree, and pinned her wrists above her head. "Let go of me! I'm not fusing again!"
    "We have a job to do."
    Agate writhed around in denial. "Get away from me!"
    She froze when Hessonite leaned close and planted a kiss on her lips. Every instinct told her to keep fighting back and run. Her mind told her to get out of there as fast as she possibly could, but her body wouldn't listen. All she could do was hope things didn't get any worse. She clenched her teeth and tightened her mouth closed. She hyperventilated in panic when Hessonite pulled away. She had to get out of here!
    "That's better. No need to fuss." Was all she said. She tried to use the opportunity to fuse again, but they weren't in sync. Fusion was impossible at the moment.
    Agate kicked Hessonite in the gem, surprised when she stumbled back. She scrambled to reach the warp pad and fled to the main base, knowing many gems would be there. Hopefully Milky would be back soon.
    She raced away, knowing she would be followed. She felt other gems watching as she ran past them and rushed to find refuge. She hid behind the Fountain, hyperventilating. This was wrong. This was all wrong, everything was wrong! This isn't how it's supposed to be! What was she supposed to think after being forced to fuse hundreds of times, in which every time she felt Enstatite take a part of herself, then nearly shattered, and kissed for the big finale!?
    She sat with her knees to her chest and told anyone that tried to calm her down to leave. Hessonite was stealing everything, her dignity, her choices, her freedom, even her first kiss. That kiss wasn't meant for her! She yanked at her own hair in frustration. What was she supposed to do or say!? 'Hey, Milky! Hessonite just harassed me and stole my first kiss!' Pathetic.
    She flinched when the warp pad activated. She slapped a hand over her mouth and squeezed her eyes shut, praying the bushes would be enough to protect her from Hessonites sight.
    As soon as she was seen, Hessonite was told to go back to the armory. Thank Rose, thank the Diamonds, thank what the humans call God!
    Agate was still behind the Fountain several days later with her knees to her chest when Garnet found her. She didn't say anything when she sat beside her.
    "It happened again, didn't it?" She predicted.
    Agate nodded. "She's getting worse," she spoke quietly.
    "Is it the fusion you're talking about?".
    "Hessonite kissed me," Agate said bluntly.
    The fusion turned to her looking genuinely surprised. "She did what?" Her voice sounded astonished, but also calm and monotone.
    Agate tried keeping calm, but she could already hear her voice shaking. "I don't understand anymore! She uses me, she breaks me down, she controls me, and then she..." Her voice trailed off as she fought tears. Everything Hessonite did always gave her a bit more of Agate's attention, and every time they fused, brought Agate one step closer to giving in. Her bruises felt numb, and she was getting so used to being hit so often that she was accustomed to pain. Every time she stargazed with Milky, Hessonite clouded her thoughts. And now her lips remembered how Hessonites' lips felt against them.  It was clear she wanted control, and she was getting it.
    She didn't understand why she was so upset. No Enstatite or kidnapping random humans, plus she actually got away. And even if she never escaped that time, it was only a kiss. It was just a kiss from an overbearing, controlling, toxic Hessonite. It didn't mean anything.
    It didn't mean anything, She told herself. It didn't mean anything, it didn't mean anything. She kept repeating this to herself, trying to convince herself. But what if it did?
    She felt Hessonite gently place a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Instinctively she slapped it away and cowered back, but instantly regretted that when she remembered it was just Garnet. Hessonite wasn't here. It was just her and Garnet.
She looked away and hugged her knees. She tried to sound like a soldier giving battle reports. "...We should report this to Rose and Pearl. Hessonite's clearly a threat. Other gems could be victims."
Garnet sighed with worry. "You're not wrong. But we should also find a way to help you get better."
    "Better from what?" She growled. She realized how disrespectful her tone was and lowered her voice. "I'm fine."
"No you're not," she replied firmly. "Look at me."
Agate knew Garnet would never hurt anyone any farther than poofing a gem, but she looked at her, remembering how Hessonite treated her when she refused anything. Hessonite was a type of Garnet, after all.
"This fusion you described is highly unstable and unhealthy for both of you. As a fusion, I want to help you through it. We want to help you." She spoke gently. It was most likely Sapphire saying this.
She glared. "You said you wouldn't let it happen again. You told me you wouldn't let it get any worse." Tears were falling, but she ignored them. "Why didn't you tell me it would? You could have at least warned me about that kiss!"
Garnet didn't even flinch at this. "I cannot see exactly what will and will not happen. I only see possibilities and what could happen. But some possibilities, like this one, are so random and unexpected that I can't detect them. I did not know she felt that way. But no matter what we do, we cannot change the past. We can only do the best we can in the future. For now, we should address the situation and see what we can do to fix you."
Agate scoffed in frustration. "Enstatite doesn't matter right now. What matters is saving what's left of the human village, which there aren't very many humans left in it right now, and finding out if she's doing this to other gems. I'm going to let Pearl and Rose know." With that, she stood and left, half expecting Garnet to tell her to come back. But she didn't.

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