For Better Or For Worse

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A/N: This one's a little shorter than the previous chapter and honestly I'm not really that happy about it. I could have done better and I didn't work to my full potential but I hope you enjoy it anyway. Feedback is appreciated too.

“GO TO THE DORMS AND LOCK YOURSELVES IN!” Clementine screeched, making sure everyone heard her and was aware of what to do. She turned around to see them all nod and run for cover.

It was only her and James now, when she turned back to him he was on top of the wall, mask off, with a sly grin. She looked back down towards the gate which was now open, walkers cramming through trying to get at her, not noticing the boy above them. Clementine froze in her spot seeing James running along the walls in order to get close enough to jump down and get to her, before the walkers got to him. She heard Violet yell her name, snapping out of her trance she scrambled to the door.

She had got in just before James, believing she had enough time, she tried to put a bookcase in front of it to block him and the possible walkers from getting through, just to be knocked onto the floor as the dark haired boy rammed the door.

“You're not getting away Clementine! Once I've got you I'm going after AJ. You're just a hurdle in my way!” James howled, his voice breaking from his anger.

“I won't let you take him!” Clementine huffed, noticing a vase on a nearby table, she scurried towards it, picking it up and launching it at the boy, who was once their friend, buying her enough time to get up and run to hers and AJ's room. She heard James’ cry in the distance, he was at least 30 foot behind her by now.

As she got into the room she locked the door surveying those who stood around her in total shock. Louis, Violet and AJ were in the room she was relieved for a moment before hearing a bashing sound on the door.
“Get the table!” Clementine commanded them. They replied “Okay Clem” in unison before rushing towards it. It wasn't much but it was enough for now.
“Can we move the bunk beds?” Clem questioned them. Violet shrugged, “we might as well try”

The four of them pulled the bed, not even managing to move it an inch. They tried multiple times, not realizing the door smashing open and James climbing over the table, walkers piling behind it.

“I have him now” James roared, annoyance in his voice. Louis stood in front of AJ as James leaped for him. Clem ran towards them both expecting James to go for the young kid, but to her dismay he grabbed Violet.

“Don't hurt her or I will do something much worse!” Clem directed in a loud but harsh voice.
“Hand him over and then I won't have to hurt her…” James replied ignoring Clementine's threat. But before Clem could reply James was grabbed by a walker, letting go of Violet who ran behind Clementine horrified from what had happened.

James started to squirm his way out, no one was paying attention to AJ who had pulled his gun out and was slowly starting to pull the trigger. Last minute Clementine glanced over at him “AJ NO DON-”.
Bang.. AJ had shot him in the head propelling him back into the walkers.

Without thinking Clem pulled out her knife and started killing off walkers, as it was their only way out, the others following suit. She heard shouting outside, it was Ruby and Aasim, they had somehow made it out to the courtyard alive. She informed them of the plan on getting out and they agreed to help, going back inside to slowly massacre the herd of walkers surrounding the room.

About 10 minutes later they were down to the last one, everyone tired from all the work. Once they had got every one of them they climbed over the table pushing walkers out of the way to walk through. Clementine told the others to go a different way from her as she was going to check for any stragglers.

A few doors down in one of the rooms lay a body she didn't want to see. One of their beloved friends and AJ's first real friend Tenn. His body was folded up, bites all over him. Too much of the young boy had been ripped off his body, so much so that he couldn't reanimate. Clementine walked over to him, tears sliding down her cheeks, as she crouched down and picked him up carrying him outside to bury him.

When she got outside she was met with friendly faces, all full of sorrow and crying, they saw Tenn in her arms and straight away knew what it meant. She looked around to see who was there; Louis, Vi, AJ, Aasim, Ruby and Omar, there was no Willy. Her heart dropped as she saw everyone's eyes, puffy from crying. She knew it was too good to be true when she got them all out of the boat safely.

She asked them what happened to Willy and they told her how they found him as a Walker and they unfortunately had to take him out. No one even got a chance to say goodbye to the two younger kids and that's what made it harder on everyone.

“We need to dig the graves, one for Tenn, one for Willy and one for James. Although he was the cause of this he was our friend once and without him even less of us would be here. His head was just messed up” Clementine announced sobbing as she thought about the losses.

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