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“Hell no!” Louis resentfully whined. “We are not burying that monster in our graveyard! He doesn't deserve it!”.
“Louis I-” Clementine began before being cut off by Violet.
“No Louis, listen to Clem! I understand they were your friends, just as much as they were ours, but Clem's right. Without James we might not even be here, none of us, we'd be off fighting some war!” Violet replies voice quivering and tears brimming her eyes thinking about all the memories of those she has lost. As she zoned back in she had noticed that Louis had stormed off and Omar had left to cook for the group, disgusted by the arguing, leaving Clem and AJ to bury their friends and mourn them by themselves. Everyone being too up themselves to remember about Tenn and Willy, only concerned about James being buried there.

Without thinking Violet stepped behind the sniffling Clementine and wrapped her arms around her waist, gently laying her head on her shoulder. Clementine burst out into a fit of giggles.
“Hey, what's wrong Clem?” Violet questioned with general confusion.
“Y-your hair, it tickles” Clementine slowly replied, still in hysterics. Violet decided to carry on, loving Clementine's laugh and wanting to see her smile after such a crappy event, even if the smile was forced from laughter.

AJ turned around hearing Clem laugh and seeing Violet's arms wrapped around her waist. He was clueless of their relationship and didn't think two people of the same gender could actually be in a relationship, only seeing people of opposite genders before and Clementine forgot to inform him it was possible, so he just shook the thought off and continued mourning.

He placed a picture he had drew before the funeral on Tenn's grave, it was like the one Tenn drew on the first day, everyone from Ericson's was in it, all were happy, holding hands and smiling, even Marlon was there. The only real difference was that AJ had coloured it. He used bright colours, yellow, pink, light blue, red, etcetera. It was much different from the dull and dingy school grounds they were in right now.

On Willy's grave he placed a similar drawing, but at the front were Mitch and Willy and the School had been blown up by a bomb in the background, clearly labelled ‘Mitch's Masterpiece’. AJ was proud of his drawings and though they weren't exactly like Tenn's, they were unique in their own ways and AJ was sure that both Willy and Tenn would be proud of him.

Around an hour later dinner was served, it took awhile as Omar thought he could reuse the food he was making at the celebration, only to his disappointment about 20 minutes later that it was completely unsalvageable. Omar had tried a new recipe out, he had more food from the supplies they took and within it were some chicken pieces. He new Violet loves chicken nuggets and wanted to secretly thank her for trying to reason with Louis.

Clem was waiting for Violet, sadly but fortunately now with the low amount of friends they all fit on one table. Clementine was shocked to see the troublesome duo, Louis and Violet, walk out the doors together, smiling, laughing and the occasional punch in the shoulder from the blonde. She was happy for them, she knew no matter how much Vi bullies Louis (friendly) they both cared for each other and it was hard for either of them to hold a grudge against the other.

Violet sat next to Clem, and Louis sat next to the rising artist AJ opposite the two and beside Omar. Whereas Aasim and Ruby sat together on the other side of Clem.

Louis coughed loudly getting everyone's attention at the table. “I just want to say sorry to everyone for my outburst earlier, I didn't mean to get so worked up about the James thing I just felt guilty. I was running with Tenn and he tripped and.all I said to him was to go in a door and lock himself in, instead of going back and helping him.”
Everyone went silent, questioning what to say next as Louis smiled, remorseful. Ruby spoke up in a clear and confident tone.
“Don't blame yourself sug, we could've all tried and done better. Me and Aasim just got out of the dorms as quick as we could not checking to find anyone else until we heard Clementine shouting.”

Everyone went around the table sharing their guilt, it made the meal sad but everyone agreed it was better to let it out than keep it bottled in. They found out that Omar actually went back to the music room instead of the dorms, to try and look for leftover ingredients not to his prevail. Finally after everyone had shared their guilt stories and even some stories from before the dreaded apocalypse everyone decided to turn in for the night everyone saying goodnight to each other and Violet stuffing the remaining nuggets from everyone's plates in her mouth before heading back to Clem's room, AJ wouldn't be there tonight as Louis had said that he wanted some art lessons and called for a sleepover. Who would've thought that Louis is about 10 years older than AJ, it's hard to believe he's even 1 year older at times...

A/N: I dont think I did well again but I do hope you enjoyed, although I dont enjoy reading my own story. It will get better in the next chapters I promise! I have plans for once! Normally its.kinda just improvisation...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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