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If you are new to my "Daisies" universe, I suggest you read that book first. If I ever get to the other books in this series, some of those will be able to stand alone, but this one has a fair amount of OCs and references to what happened in Daisies. Of course, you don't need to read the first book, but it might help with the setting. 

This story is planned at 14 chapters plus an epilogue. 

Story Details: 

Emma Taylor had never believed magic, but when a closer investigation into her friend Daisy Dursley's new school only brings up more an more questions, Emma may have to reevaluate her beliefs. 

Daisy Dursley, painfully oblivious to her friendship with Emma being torn apart is now too focused on the destruction of another friendship. Sam Edgecombe's arrival at Hogwarts might mean that Daisy looses Jonathan's close friendship. 

Poppy Dursley grows closer to her sister now that they have magic in common. But when Daisy goes back to school, who can Poppy truly relate to? What will it take for her mother to finally accept her? 

Although their paths divide, all three find out that first impressions are only a sliver of the whole truth, and the secrets underneath can go farther than one would ever expect. 




"Nothing brings on jealousy like laughter." 
― Françoise Sagan

"I don't know if you've ever noticed this, but first impressions are often entirely wrong." 

— Lemony Snicket 

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