10. Detention

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Merry Christmas!

For those of you curious about Pansy's connection to Anna, I may post her story after I finish Petunias. If I do, it will be called Violets, and be a post war story, mainly Pansy's journey if you're interested. It will probably be more of a romance than anything I've posted so far (wlw!) and also have some of Dudley's story, and how he and Anna met. Once I'm done with Petunias (Aiming to be done before May 2022) I'll take a break and assess to see if I want to/am able to continue this series, and if the answer is yes, I'll be working on Violets or on Poppy's story (taking place in Daisy's 3rd year).

To the guest that said they're more invested in Poppy's story than Daisy's, I have to admit I'm more fond of Poppy's character as well. She has tons of potential and I love writing her chapters.


The letter describing the details of Daisy's detention arrived a few days later at breakfast. Why sending an owl was necessary when she would see Professor Patil later in Transfiguration, Daisy didn't know, but several owls arrived carrying cream colored envelopes marked with Patil's narrow penmanship.

Sophia ripped her's open before noticing the outside details, groaning when she saw what it was.

"You got one too? For tomorrow in her office?"

Daisy ripped open her own envelope and unfolded the letter. She skimmed through the writing, ignoring everything except for the noted time and the location: 6:00 that evening, meeting in Professor Patil's office.

"Mines for today. I guess we won't be doing them together."

"Probably for the best. If we're all individually doing detention that means Castle won't be with us either."

Daisy figured she'd rather have Castle there too if it meant she wouldn't have to spend two hours bored without Sophia by her side, but she didn't mention it. Sam ruined Sophia's theory anyway.

He stuck his head between the two of them, peering over their shoulders to read their letters.

"Daisy! We have our detention at the same time!"

"What?" She thought back, trying to remember a reason Sam might have been issued a detention. He hadn't been at the duel and he never acted out as far as Daisy knew. He grinned at her, waiting for her response. Daisy pulled her face back, suddenly noticing just how close he was and finding it more disturbing than friendly, even if he had the best of intentions.

"I got a detention for breaking some things trying to use a spell for a prank during class. I'm glad I won't have to spend the time without a friend. What do you think she'll have us doing? Lines?"

"Dunno," Daisy mumbled. She looked to Sophia for help, but she was staring over at the Slytherin table where Bella Castle was opening her own letter.

"If I have to spend my two hours with her, I'll scream," she said.

Daisy looked for any visible reaction from Castle or Aidair, ignoring Sam taking a seat next to her. Jonathan followed, sitting on his other side, but he didn't seem concerned about the detentions.

"It's not as if you didn't do anything," he pointed out. "You all broke the rules, you all got detention. Whether you're paired up with someone you like or someone you don't, it has to be done. You'll get over it."

"Yeah. My prank was irresponsible. And I'm glad Patil was able to find you before you started the duel. I was worried she wouldn't find you."

Sophia and Daisy snapped their attention back to the table.

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