Chapter 1

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"Loosen up babe" Ronnie, my best friend whined.

"How can I?"

Ronnie and I were seated at a club. She insisted I come here to loosen up so I can forget about my ex boyfriend, Jake who's currently dating one of my sisters. Life sucks, doesn't it?

He called me a weak bitch. I guess its true but then I can't change my calm nature. He was even screwing my sister when we were dating just to push my buttons.

A buzz from my phone brought me back to reality and I checked to see who it was.

"Anyone important?" Ronnie asked, taking a sip from her cup.

The text was from my mom. "Its from my mom" I replied and she simply nodded.

Mom: how's your study session going, sweetie?

Me: great
Mom: okay just wanted to check on you.
Me: no need, I'm fine.

I put my phone on silent and tossed it into my purse. I couldn't turn it off. My location was on, for security reasons. If anything happened, at least, someone could use my phone to track me down.

Not like I wanted anything bad to happen anyway.

Ronnie lied to my parents that we were studying at her place. That was the only way my parents would let me out of the house. Although they don't really care much.

You see, I'm not the favorite child. That would be the twins, my elder sisters; Lauren and Carmen. I also had an older brother but he was away.

Ronnie, also known as Veronica 'call me Ronnie' Athena Hudgens is my childhood best friend and daughter of my dad's best friend and business associate. She's also the only friend I have and my parents trust her to keep me safe although they are unaware of how bad ass she really is.

I guessed its time I introduced myself. I'm Giselle Althea Smith. I am seventeen years old (Ronnie got us fake IDs that's why we were allowed to enter the club). My parents are elites. My dad is one of the leading businessmen in California and he's also a senator while my mom manages one of the family businesses.

I'm a dark skinned Afro Latina. My dad is African American while mom is Dominican. I am also the last child of my parents.

Jake is dating one of the twins now; Lauren and the other is Carmen.

"I spy a hottie" Ronnie squealed.

"Whore" I mumbled.

"Louderrrrrr! I can't hear you" Ronnie said in a high pitched singsong voice.

"Petty ass" I fired back and she rolled her eyes. "Anyways" she said "I'm about to leave. Do me a huge favor please" she slurred.

"What. Forget about Jake?"

"No not that" she waved her hand, as if trying to wave it off while swaying back and forth on her feet.

"What then?"

"Do not. I repeat, do not leave here without a man tonight"

"Oh Ronnie" I groaned. She was so drunk. I could practically smell the alcohol from her mouth.

"I'm serious"


She ruffled my hair playfully before heading out to the dance floor to talk to a cute guy. Oh how I wish I was that sexy and confident.

I looked at the content in my cup awkwardly.


I took a sip and instantly regretted it the moment I did. It tasted awful.

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