jack-sick (with a touch of jachary)

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hello everyone! so i really like reading sick fics and i thought that i'd make one myself

this is my first book ever, please tell me what you think, enjoy:)
"jack hurry up! we're late!" zach yelled while shaking the curly haired boy.

the two shared a hotel room out of choice, which wasn't a very good idea since they're usually the only two that are late.

zach was still shaking the sleeping boy in hope that he'd wake up soon so the boys wouldn't yell at them for being late, but zach's shaking only made jack want to stay in bed more.

jack's stomach twisted and he felt the nausea building up. if zach shook him anymore he might vomit all over the boy. jack couldn't take the shaking anymore and shoved the youngest with as much strength as he could.

jack only groaned and curled up in a small ball, trying to get rid of the nausea. he felt sick, he felt really sick. jack didn't want to move anymore than he already was, couldn't he just skip today?

"zach! jack! hurry up in there!" jonah yelled angrily while banging on their hotel door, which only made jack want to sink deeper and deeper into his bed.

zach walked over to the door and opened it widely to be greeted by the rest of the boys standing there impatiently.

"you have five minutes! we wanted to eat breakfast all together, but you two prevented that from happening!" daniel yelled quietly while shoving his finger in zach's chest. daniel's usually very cranky in the morning and likes to be on top of things, it's very hard to do so when jack and zach are always late.

"i know, i know. i'm up, but sleeping beauty over here isn't budging." zach argued while pointing at half conscious jack. corbyn walked over to jack's bed, grabbed a pillow and threw it in top of jack.

"we're all tired jack, now get off your lazy ass and get going." corbyn demanded. jack only groaned in response, flipping over to his other side while holding his stomach. he felt beads of sweat form on top of his head and chills appear all over his body.

"i don't feel good." jack whined holding his stomach.

"jack, we're all tired. you can take a nap when we get back, but we need to get going now." jonah responded calmly not wanting to get angry with the curly haired boy.

jack has faked being sick before, he wasn't really lying all those times, i mean, he was extremely tired, but now he wasn't faking and he knew the boys wouldn't believe him.

"but i'm not just tired, my stomach hurts." jack tried to convince the others. he could feel the nausea building up with every small move he made.

"that's what you said the last five times. now come on, get up." zach replied a little annoyed with the boy. jack decided there was no point in trying if they didn't believe him. all the boys left the room and told jack that he had to be down there or they'll leave without him, he was fine with them leaving, but he didn't want to disappoint anyone.

jack placed his shaky hands underneath him to lift himself up. he started slowly lifting himself up to only immediately crash back down holding his stomach while trying to hold back tears threatening to spill out. he squeezed his eyes shut to hopefully help the pain go away and laid there debating if he should get up.

jack rolled over to his side so he was closer to the edge of the bed and slowly placed his feet on the ground. he gently pushed his body up, placing a hand on the wall to stabilize himself.

he quietly whimpered to himself as he lazily made his way over to his closet. he grabbed the first thing he saw which was a normal black sweatshirt and ripped skinny jeans.

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